
兜唇石斛种子无菌播种与快速繁殖 被引量:2

Aseptic Seeding and Rapid Propagation of Dendrobium aphyllum
摘要 以兜唇石斛八成熟蒴果为外植体,通过对其种子无菌萌发培养、无机盐浓度筛选、活性炭浓度筛选、有机物种类及浓度筛选、丛生芽继代增殖及生长素种类及浓度筛选,确定适合兜唇石斛增殖和生根壮苗的培养基,建立兜唇石斛组培快繁技术体系。结果表明,兜唇石斛种子萌发培养基为1/2 MS+0.2 mg/L NAA+土豆粉30 g/L+活性炭0.2 mg/L,80 d左右获得实生小苗;不同基础培养基对兜唇石斛的增殖系数、生根数、根长及株高均显著影响,最适基础培养基为3/4 MS;添加活性炭显著影响兜唇石斛小苗的生长,最适活性炭浓度为0.1 g/L,当浓度大于0.2 g/L时,开始抑制兜唇石斛小苗生长;香蕉粉及土豆粉能明显促进兜唇石斛生长,增殖可添加30 g/L香蕉粉,30 g/L土豆粉,生根壮苗可添加40 g/L香蕉粉;KT对兜唇石斛丛生芽增殖无显著影响,0.5 mg/L的6-BA增殖系数最大(4.84);NAA及IBA对兜唇石斛的生根壮苗效果影响显著,最适浓度为NAA 1.0 mg/L,IBA 0.5 mg/L,培养45 d增殖系数为5.92,平均每株生根数为27.0,平均根长1.88 cm,株高1.92 cm。通过生产实践最终确认生根壮苗培养基为3/4 MS+蔗糖25 g/L+卡拉胶8 g/L+香蕉粉40 g/L+活性炭0.1g/L+NAA 1.0 mg/L+IBA 0.5 mg/L+6-BA 0.5 mg/L;炼苗移栽30 d成活率100%,60 d成活率85%。该文初步建立了兜唇石斛种子无菌播种与快速繁殖技术体系,为兜唇石斛的快速繁殖和种质资源保存提供理论和技术支持。 Through the screening of inorganic salt concentration,activated carbon concentration,organic species and concentration,auxin types and concentration and the proliferation of cluster buds,taking the Near-ripe seeds of Dendrobium aphyllum as explant and cultured by aseptic germination,the rapid propagation technology system was established and the best proliferation culture and strong plantlets and rootage base of D.aphyllum was selected.The results showed that optimum medium for seed germination is supplied with 1/2 MS+0.2 mg·L-1NAA+potato powder 30 g·L-1+activated carbon 0.2 mg·L-1.The seedlings are obtained after 80 days of culture.Different base have obvious impact on the proliferation factor,rooting number,root length and plant height.The most suitable inorganic salt concentration for D.aphyllum is 3/4 MS.Adding a certain amount of activated carbon can significantly promote the growth of D.aphyllum.The optimum concentration was 0.1 g·L-1.When the concentration of activated carbon is more than 0.1 g·L-1,the growth of D.aphyllum can be inhibited.Adding the right amount of banana flour and potato flour can obviously promote their growth.30 g·L-1 banana flour and 30 g·L-1 potato flour can be added in the growth medium,and 40 g·L-1 banana powder can be added in the medium during the rooting stage.KT had no effect on the growth of clustered buds,and the effect of 6-BA with 0.5 mg.L-1 was the best.Adding 1.0 mg·L-1 of NAA and 0.5 mg·L-1 of IBA was the best for cultivating rooting and strong seedlings of D.aphyllum.The proliferation factor was 5.92 after cultured by 45 d,the rooting number was 27.0,the root length was 1.88 cm and the plant height was 1.92 cm.Through the production practice,it is finally confirmed that 3/4 MS+sucrose 25 g·L-1+carrageenan 8 g·L-1+banana powder 40 g·L-1+activated carbon 0.1 g·L-1+NAA 1.0 mg·L-1+IBA 0.5 mg·L-1+6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1 is most suitable for rooting and strong seedling cultivation.The cultivated seedlings had a statistical activity rate of 100%after 30 days after transplanting,and a statistical activity rate of 85%after 60 days after transplanting.This article establishes a rapid propagation technology system,provides theoretical and technical support for rapid propagation and germplasm resource conservation of Dendrobium aphyllum.
作者 刘扬 李宏杨 任杰 张琼 李可贵 陈梅烹 陈冠铭 LIU Yang;LI Hongyang;REN Jie;ZHANG Qiong;LI Kegui;CHEN Meipeng;CHEN Guanming(Sanya Sci-Tech Academy of Winter Breeding and Multiplication,Sanya,Hainan,572000,China)
出处 《热带农业科学》 2020年第5期34-41,共8页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
基金 三亚市院地科技合作项目(No.2016YD32)。
关键词 兜唇石斛 组织培养 丛生芽 增殖培养 生根壮苗 Dendrobium aphyllum tissue culture aseptic seeding proliferation culture strong plantlets and rootage
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