
夏闲期不同覆盖方式对旱地小麦水氮利用和产量的影响 被引量:3

Effects of different mulching methods during the summer fallow period on water,nitrogen use and yield of wheat in dryland
摘要 针对黄土高原旱作农业区降水较少且与冬小麦生长需水规律错位和水氮利用率不高的问题,探寻该区冬小麦夏闲期覆盖保墒效果最好和提高产量的最优模式。于2017~2018年在黄土高原典型旱作农业区陕西省永寿县御驾宫村进行大田试验,共设无氮处理、农户常规对照、夏闲期垄膜沟秸覆盖、夏闲期全膜覆盖、夏闲期秸秆覆盖5个处理,旨在探明夏闲期不同覆盖方式对旱地小麦水氮吸收利用和产量的影响。与农户常规对照模式相比,夏闲期全膜覆盖和秸秆覆盖2个处理增加了地上部生物量和产量,且夏闲期秸秆覆盖的增加幅度更大,而夏闲期垄膜沟秸覆盖降低了地上部生物量和产量。夏闲期垄膜沟秸覆盖、夏闲期全膜覆盖和夏闲期秸秆覆盖较农户常规对照,夏闲期末0~200 cm土层土壤蓄水量分别增加了65.7、107.6和145.0 mm,夏闲期秸秆覆盖与夏闲期垄膜沟秸覆盖处理相比,差异达显著水平;成熟期土壤蓄水量分别增加了18.9、31.5和32.3 mm,但是3种覆盖处理与对照相比,差异均未达显著水平。夏闲期各覆盖处理相比较农户常规对照模式,水分利用效率都有提高的趋势。夏闲期秸秆覆盖处理较农户常规对照模式,其籽粒吸氮量、地上部吸氮量以及氮肥利用效率均有提高的趋势;而夏闲期垄膜沟秸覆盖和全膜覆盖2个处理有降低籽粒吸氮量、地上部吸氮量以及氮肥利用效率的趋势。因此,3种夏闲期覆盖方式都有利于蓄积夏闲期降水,提高播前底墒;其中以夏闲期秸秆覆盖保墒效果最好,增产效果也最为显著,适合在西北旱地小麦生产区域推广应用。 Aiming at the problems of low precipitation and dislocation with water requirement rule for winter wheat growth,low water and nitrogen efficiency in dryland farming areas of Loess Plateau,the best model of mulching for soil moisture conservation and increasing winter wheat yield in dryland farming areas was explored.Field experiments were conducted during 2017~2018 in Yujiagong village,Yongshou county,Shaanxi province,which is a typical dry farming area on the Loess Plateau.A total of five treatments,including no nitrogen fertilizer treatment,farmers’conventional control model,ridge-film and furrow-straw mulching during the summer fallow,plastic film mulching during the summer fallow,straw mulching during the summer fallow,were set up to clarify the effects of different mulching practices during the summer fallow on water,nitrogen uptake and utilization and yield in dryland.Compared with the farmers’conventional control model,the two treatments of plastic film mulching and straw mulching during the summer fallow increased aboveground biomass and yield,and the increase of straw mulching during the summer fallow was greater.However,ridge-film and furrowstraw mulching during the summer fallow had an opposite trend.Compared with farmers’conventional control model,the soil water storage capacity of 0~200 cm soil layer at the end of the summer fallow of treatments of ridge-film and furrowstraw mulching,plastic film mulching and straw mulching increased 65.7,107.6 and 145.0 mm,respectively,during the summer fallow,and the difference between straw mulching and ridge-film treatment and furrow-straw mulching treatment was significant;The soil water storage capacity of 0~200 cm soil layer after winter wheat harvest increased by 18.9,31.5 and 32.3 mm,however,there was no significant difference among the three mulching treatments and the control.Compared with farmers’conventional control model,the water use efficiency of each mulching treatment during the summer fallow had an increasing trend,but the difference was not significant.Compared with farmers’conventional control model,the straw mulching treatment during the summer fallow had an increasing trend in grain nitrogen uptake,aboveground nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency.However,ridge-film and furrow-straw mulching and plastic film mulching during the summer fallow period had a tendency to reduce the grain nitrogen uptake,aboveground nitrogen uptake and the nitrogen use efficiency.The three mulching practices during the summer fallow were all conducive to the accumulation of natural precipitation and the improvement of soil moisture before the winter wheat sowing,among which straw mulching during the summer fallow had the best effect of preserving soil moisture and the most significant effect of increasing yield.It is suitable for popularization and application in Northwest dryland wheat production areas.
作者 陈秀文 赵护兵 毛安然 李紫燕 翟丙年 CHEN Xiu-wen;ZHAO Hu-bing;MAO An-ran;LI Zi-yan;ZHAI Bing-nian(College of Natural Resources and Environment,Northwest A&F University,Yangling Shaanxi 712100)
出处 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期113-119,共7页 Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0200403) 国家科学技术支撑计划(2015BAD23B04) 中央高校基本科研业务经费(2452015046) 农业公益性行业科研专项(201503124) 杨凌示范区科技计划项目(2018-GG-29)。
关键词 夏闲期覆盖 土壤水分 氮素吸收 产量 mulching during the summer fallow soil moisture nitrogen uptake yield
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