
2019年12月~2020年3月新型冠状病毒肺炎主题研究的文献计量学分析 被引量:3

Bibliometric Analysis of the Theme Research on Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia from December 2019 to March 2020
摘要 目的基于文献计量学分析近3个月有关新型冠状病毒肺炎的研究发展现状,以期为今后该主题的相关研究提供参考。方法计算机检索中国知网(CNKI),检索时限为2019年12月1日~2020年3月3日收录的新型冠状病毒及肺炎发表的相关文献,采用文献计量法分析发文数量、关键词词频、期刊来源、科研基金、研究机构及作者发文量分布情况。结果共纳入798篇文献,发文量总体呈持续性上升趋势,2月份发文数量最多。共3723个关键词,前20个关键词的总频次为1596次,其中新型冠状病毒肺炎出现的频次为375次(24.75%),新型冠状病毒和疫情防控出现的频次次之,分别为287次(17.98%)及195次(12.22%)。共发表在278种期刊上,排名前10位的期刊中发表文献共220篇(27.57%),其中《全科护理》发表文献数量最多,为31篇,其次为《中医杂志》及《世界中医药》,发文量均为27篇。科研项目基金支持总数为471项,有科研基金支持项目的文献共275篇(34.46%),排名前4位均为国家级科研基金项目,发文量为99篇(12.41%)。研究机构中华中科技大学发文最多为57篇(7.14%),其次是四川大学及北京中医药大学,发文数量分别为47篇(5.89%)及35篇(4.39%)。发文作者以张伟和罗凤明发表文献数量最多,分别为10篇和9篇。结论在疫情防控阶段,国家大力支持科研项目,研究热点主要围绕新型冠状病毒肺炎、新型冠状病毒和疫情防控,期刊多为护理及中药杂志,发文机构多为大学院校。 Objective Based on the bibliometric analysis of the research and development status of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in the past 3 months,with a view to providing reference for related research on this topic in the future.Methods Computer Search China Knowledge Network(CNKI),The search period is from December 1,2019 to March 3,2020 to related documents published by the novel coronavirus and pneumonia,the method of literature measurement was used to analyze the distribution of the number of articles,frequency of keywords,source of journals,scientific research funds,research institutions and authors.Results A total of 798 articles were included,and the number of articles published showed a continuous upward trend,with the largest number of articles published in February.There are 3723 keywords in total,the total frequency of the first 20 keywords is 1596,of which the frequency of novel coronavirus pneumonia is 375(24.75%),the frequency of novel coronavirus and epidemic prevention and control was the next,287(17.98%)and 195(12.22%)respectively.A total of 220 articles(27.57%)were published in 278 journals.The top 10 journals published a total of 27.57%.Among them,"General Practice Nursing"published the most articles,with 31 articles,followed by"Chinese Medical Journal"and"World Chinese Journal""Pharmaceutics",27 articles are published.The total number of scientific research project fund support is 471,and there are 275 documents(34.46%)with scientific research fund support projects.The top four are national-level scientific research fund projects,with 99 articles(12.41%).The research institute China University of Science and Technology has a maximum of 57 articles(7.14%),followed by Sichuan University and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,with 47 articles(5.89%)and 35 articles(4.39%).Zhang Wei and Luo Fengming published the most articles,with 10 and 9 respectively.Conclusion During the epidemic prevention and control stage,the state strongly supports scientific research projects.The research hotspots mainly focus on novel coronavirus pneumonia,novel coronavirus,and epidemic prevention and control.Most of the journals are journals of nursing and traditional Chinese medicine,and the publishing organizations are mostly universities and colleges.
作者 郭婷 张思琪 GUO Ting;ZHANG Si-qi(Second District of Obstetrics Depatment,West China Second Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610011,Sichuan,China;Maternity Room,West China Second Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610011,Sichuan,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2020年第12期1-4,共4页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 新型冠状病毒 肺炎 文献计量学 Novel coronavirus Pneumonia Bibliometrics
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