
高粱刺盘孢Colletotrichum sublineola是四川地区高粱炭疽病的主要致病菌 被引量:3

Colletotrichum sublineola,the main pathogen of sorghum anthracnose in Sichuan province
摘要 高粱是四川省主要经济作物,在高粱生产上普遍发生炭疽病。关于高粱炭疽病菌多数文献描述为禾生刺盘孢Colletotrichum graminicola。已有文献通过分子生物学和基因组学分析证明高粱炭疽病的病原菌是高粱刺盘孢C.sublineola,并非C.graminicola。为明确四川省和国内高粱主产区炭疽菌的种类,本研究从四川省泸州泸县等11个地区以及重庆等其他6个省市,总共采集了198份病样,经分离纯化共获得225个炭疽菌株。通过形态学观察,结合ITS和GAPDH基因序列及进化树分析,发现其中215个来源于17个地区的菌株为C.sublineola,且分生孢子形态均为月牙型。其余10个分别来源于两个地区的菌株为兰花刺盘孢C.cliviicola,其分生孢子形态均为圆柱型。通过另外3个基因(CHS、ACT和TUB2)的系统发育分析,进一步证明来自不同地区的17个代表性的炭疽菌菌株分类相同,且均属于C.sublineola。研究结果表明,分生孢子形态及ITS和GAPDH等基因序列可以作为高粱炭疽菌的主要分类依据。在常规高粱品种Hui1等3个材料上接种19个代表性菌株,发现17个C.sublineola菌株的致病能力存在差异,2个C.cliviicola菌株均不能致病。本文研究结果表明,C.sublineola是四川高粱主产区炭疽病的致病菌。另外,通过人工接种试验,证明高粱品种402B对强致病力菌株ZG-FS-1具有较强抗性,402B具有抗病育种应用潜力。 Sorghum is a major cash crop in Sichuan province,it is often seriously infected by anthracnose disease.Colletotrichum graminicola was even considered as the pathogen of sorghum anthracnose in previous literatures.In recent literatures,C.sublineola,rather than C.graminicola was identified as the causal pathogen of sorghum anthracnose based on molecular biology and genomic analysis.In order to classify the causal pathogen of sorghum anthracnose in Sichuan province and other sorghum-growing areas in China,198 samples were collected from 11 regions such as Luzhou Lu County in Sichuan Province and 6 other provinces and cities such as Chongqing,from which 225 fungal strains were isolated.Based on morphological observation,ITS and GAPDH gene sequence analysis and adjacent tree construction,215 strains isolated from 17 regions belong to C.sublineola with crescent shaped spores,and the resting 10 strains from other two regions belong to C.cliviicola with rhabdoid spores.It is further proved that 17 representative strains of anthracnose generated from different regions have the similar morphological characteristics and belong to C.sublineola by phylogenetic of polygenes(CHS,ACT,TUB2).These data suggest that the morphology of conidia and appresoria and the genes of ITS,GAPDH CHS,ACT and TUB2 can be used for identification of sorghum anthracnose.Finally,all of the C.sublineola strains,rather than C.cliviicola,showed pathogenic on three common sorghum varieties.The results showed that C.sublineola was the pathogen of sorghum anthracnose in Sichuan province.Furthermore,C.sublineola strain ZG-FS-1,the most infectious pathogen in 19 representative strains,was used to screen the resis-tance resources of sorghum,and we found that variety 402B show the strongest resistance against sorghum anthracnose,indicating that it has application potential in sorghum anthracnose resistance breeding.
作者 王轶夫 李强 李旺龙 倪先林 龙文靖 刘国庆 曾荣耀 樊晶 黄衍焱 龚国淑 赵甘霖 王文明 WANG Yi-fu;LI Qiang;LI Wang-long;NI Xian-lin;LONG Wen-jing;LIU Guo-qing;ZENG Rong-yao;FAN Jing;HUANG Yan-yan;GONG Guo-shu;ZHAO Gan-lin;WANG Wen-ming(Rice Research Institute,Sichuan Key Lab for Major Crop Diseases,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu 611130,China;Rice and Sorghum Institute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Deyang 618000,China;National Sorghum Improvement Center Sichuan Branch,Luzhou 646000,China;Institute of Millet Crops,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050035,China;Zi-gong Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Sichuan Province,Zi-gong 643000,China;College of Agronomy,Sichuan Key Lab for Major Crop Diseases,National Demonstration Center for Experimental Crop Science Education,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu 611130,China)
出处 《植物病理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期276-285,共10页 Acta Phytopathologica Sinica
基金 四川省“十三五”农作物育种攻关项目(2016NYZ029)。
关键词 炭疽病 高粱 禾生刺盘孢 高粱刺盘孢 anthracnose sorghum Colletotrichum graminicola Colletotrichum sublineola
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