评价使用离子色谱法对生活饮用水中氟化物测定的不确定度。使用浓度系列为0.10~0.60 mg/L范围的氟化物标准曲线对生活饮用水中氟化物进行测定。再根据数学模型对标准物质引入的不确定度、配制标准系列过程中所引入的不确定度、样品多次重复测量时产生的不确定度和标准曲线在拟合时产生的不确定度对不确定度进行综合计算。离子色谱法测定生活饮用水中氟化物0.10~0.60 mg/L范围的不确定度为:U=0.0095 mg/L。为今后使用离子色谱法测定生活饮用水中氟化物提供了具有可靠性的依据,提高检验工作的准确性。
To evaluate the uncertainty of fluoride content in drinking water by ion chromatography.the determination of Fluoride in Drinking Water by the standard curve of fluoride in concentration range of 0.10~0.60 mg/L.According to the mathematical model,the uncertainty introduced by the reference material,the uncertainty introduced in the preparation of the standard series,the uncertainty generated by repeated measurements of samples and the uncertainty generated by the fitting of the standard curve are calculated comprehensively.The uncertainty of determination of fluoride in drinking water by ion chromatography ranged from 0.10~0.60 mg/L was U=0.0095mg/L.This study provides a reliable basis for the determination of fluoride in drinking water by ion chromatography in the future and improves the accuracy of inspection.
Chen Binhong(Jiangmen Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Physical and Chemical Laboratory,Jiangmen 529000,China)
Shandong Chemical Industry