
尖晶石对刚玉尖晶石质浇注料性能的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Spinel Addition on Properties of Corundum Spinel Castable
摘要 以烧结刚玉、活性氧化铝微粉、铝镁尖晶石、纯铝酸钙水泥为主要原料制备了刚玉尖晶石质浇注料,研究了添加不同粒度的尖晶石对刚玉尖晶石质浇注料流变性能、烧后永久线变化率、抗折强度、抗热震和抗渣侵蚀性等性能的影响。结果表明,加入的尖晶石粒度越小,越有利于改善浇注料流变性,越有利于提高材料的烧结性能,降低材料的膨胀幅度,提高材料的强度。加入细小的甚至是微米级的尖晶石颗粒分散在基质中,隔离了材料中低融物相,提高了材料的抗渣侵蚀性能和抗热震性能。浇注料在钢包上的使用结果也表明,加入超细颗粒尖晶石有利于提高其使用寿命。 Corundum spinel castable were prepared by using tabular corundum,active alumina micro powder alumina-magnesia spinel and calcium aluminate cement.The effects of spinel on castable was studied on the rheology,the line rate after burn,the flexural strength,the thermal shock resistance and the slag corrosion resistance,etc.The experimental results show that the smaller particle size of the spinel,the better to improve the rheological properties of the castable,and more conducive to improve the sintering performance,reduce the inflation,and increase the strength.Micron grade spinel particles dispersed in the matrix,isolation low melting phase,and improve the ability of slag erosion resistance and thermal shock resistance.The used results of castable on ladle show that it is beneficial to improve the service life of castable by add the micron grade spinel particles.
作者 秦岩 王亚娟 望伊涛 张普杰 QIN Yan;WANG Yajuan;WANG Yitao;ZHANG Pujie(Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd., Puyang 457100, China)
出处 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第6期1960-1964,共5页 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
关键词 刚玉尖晶石 流变性能 喷射施工 抗热震性 抗渣侵蚀 corundum spinel rheology spray contruction thermal shock resistance slag erosion resistance
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