灵武长枣4号(暂定名),2002年在灵武市东塔镇被发现,是通过AFLP分子标记鉴定,在遗传基因方面没有明显变异的一个灵武长枣品种优系。十多年的研究结果表明,灵武长枣4号在6个方面表现出与原灵武长枣不同的生物学特性。①早熟:表现为1~2蓬果实的成熟期较普通灵武长枣提前7 d;②口感品质更好,营养价值更高:表现为单果质量较普通灵武长枣增加1.3 g,糖酸比值较普通灵武长枣提高14.8百分点,维生素C含量较普通灵武长枣提高30.7百分点,果肉硬度较普通灵武长枣低2.2 kg/cm2;③丰产性强:表现为当年生新枣头坐果率较普通灵武长枣提高72.7~171.4百分点,自花授粉坐果率较普通灵武长枣提高59.8%~162.5%,自然授粉坐果率较普通灵武长枣提高92.0%(旱地滴灌栽培条件下),多点区试比普通灵武长枣增产43.9%~100.95%;④树体抗寒性较强:表现为遭遇2008年50年不遇的冰雪低温冻害时,树体冻害指数仅为普通灵武长枣的64.9%;⑤花期较早,表现为盛花期较普通灵武长枣提前6~12 d;⑥萌芽较早,表现为枣头腋主芽萌发率较普通灵武长枣高30.0%~80.2%。建议将灵武长枣4号优系作为0.67万hm2灵武长枣产业升级换代的更新品种(系)。
Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao No.4 was found in Dongta Town,Lingwu City in 2002.It was identified by AFLP molecular markers.It is proved to be one of Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao varieties without obvious variants in DNA.Over ten years'research results showed that Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao No.4 has different biological characteristics from the original Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao,which is mainly reflected from six aspects in the following.①Its mature period of the fruit is 7 days earlier than that of the ordinary Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao.②It has better taste and quality as well as higher nutritional value.The quality of the single fruit is 1.3 g larger than that of common Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao.The ratio of sugar-acid ratio is 14.8%higher.The content of Vitamin C is 30.7%higher,and the fruit hardness is 2.2 kg/cm2 lower than that of ordinary Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao.③It has higher yield.The fruit setting rate of the new jujube head is 72.7%~171.4%than that of the common Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao.With drip irrigation cultivation in dry land,the fruit setting rates of self-pollination and natural pollination are 59.8%~162.5%,and 92.0%higher than those of the common Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao.The yield of Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao No.4 in multi-point regional test increases by 43.9%~100.95%than that of the ordinary jujube.④It has stronger cold resistance.Its freeze injury index was 64.9%of the ordinary Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao after the worst cold injury for 50 years in 2008.⑤It has earlier flowering period.The full-blossom period is 6~12 d earlier.⑥Its germination is earlier.The germination rate of the main bud of the jujube head and armpit is 30.0%~80.2%higher.Finally,it is suggested that Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao No.4 can be selected as a new variety of 6700 hm2 Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao industrial upgrading.
Wei Tianjun;Yu Jufang;Chen Weijun;Li Hui(Germplasm Resources Institute,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750002;Senhao Garden Tourism Development Co.,Ltd.,NingXia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021;Office of Science and Technology,Lingwu,Ningxia 750400)
Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Lingwuchangzao No.4
Prematurity identification
Biological characteristics
Phylogenetic relationship
DNA identification