
汉阳铁厂商办时期张(之洞)盛(宣怀)关系研究 被引量:2

Research on the Relationship between Zhang(Zhidong)and Sheng(Xuanhuai)when Hanyang Iron Works Run Privately
摘要 光绪二十二年(1896)汉阳铁厂因“度支竭蹶”转交盛宣怀商办。但是,张之洞虽退出汉阳铁厂,并未置身于汉阳铁厂之外,而是在汉阳铁厂的产品免税、打开销路、开通燃料运道等关系重大的事务上,“不遗余力”地加以支持。其原因盖在张之洞是湖广总督,负有替朝廷收回官办铁厂用去数百万两官本的责任。同时,汉阳铁厂是张之洞“督鄂十数年第一实业”,汉阳铁厂办理的成效直接关系湖北的地方实力以及张之洞的颜面。因此,在办好商办汉阳铁厂一事上,张之洞与盛宣怀休戚与共,目标共同。但是,作为地方行政长官,张之洞必须考虑鄂省与国家的利权,盛宣怀更多是商人本色,着眼于铁厂的实际利益,两人因此在汉阳铁厂对日出售矿石、圈购矿山、对日借款等事件中呈现出不同立场和分歧。这种既互相声援、互相支持,又各怀心思、利益博弈的关系,对汉阳铁厂的走向与命运,对中国近代的钢铁工业乃至中国近代经济格局产生了深远的影响。 In 1896(the 22nd year of Emperor Guangxu),the Hanyang Iron Works was transferred to Sheng Xuanhuai’s business because of the“exhaustion of expenditure”.However,although Zhang Zhidong withdrew from the Hanyang Iron Works,he did not stay out of the Hanyang Iron Works.He spared no effort to support such important matters as granting duty-free policy,marketing,and the opening of the fuel pipeline.The reason for this is that Zhang Zhidong was the Governor of Huguang,who was responsible for recovering the large sums of money invested in the government-run iron works by the imperial court.At the same time,the Hanyang Iron Works was the first industrial of its kind when Zhang Zhidong“served as the governor of the Hubei Province for decades”,and the effectiveness of the Hanyang Iron Works was closely related to the provincial development as well as the glory of Zhang Zhidong.Therefore,Zhang Zhidong and Sheng Xuanhuai had the common goals and cooperated on running Hanyang Iron Works.However,as a magistrate,Zhang Zhidong had to bear in mind the rights and interests of Hubei Province and the state,while Sheng Xuanhuai was a merchant and focused on real profit.The two men thus showed different positions and disagreements in the sale of ore to Japan,the purchase of mines,and the borrowing of money from Japan by the Hanyang Iron Works.This relationship of mutual solidarity and mutual support,with their respective intentions and interests in play,has a profound influence not merely on the direction and destiny of Hanyang Iron Works but also on China’s modern iron and steel industry and even on the economic pattern of modern China.
作者 周积明 徐超 Zhou Jiming;Xu Chao(School of History and Culture, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期144-157,共14页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“汉冶萍档案文献的搜集整理与研究”(14ZDB044)。
关键词 汉阳铁厂 张之洞 盛宣怀 商办 合作 冲突 Hanyang Iron Works Zhang Zhidong Sheng Xuanhuai privately run cooperate conflict
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