
张载的义理经学及其关学学统 被引量:1

ZhangZai's Normative-Principle-Based Confucian Classics and the Scholastic Orthodoxy of the Study of the Guanzhong School of Thought
摘要 宋学学派之一的张载之学,主要是通过诠释经典而展开义理之学的建构。张载的义理经学分为两个部分:一是为达到“乐天安命”目的而建构内圣之道,主要是以《周易》和《四书》为核心经典的义理之学;二是以经邦济世为目标而建构外王之道,主要是三《礼》为核心经典的礼义学与礼制学。张载在关中地区讲'学并创立的学派,是本义的关学;宋元明清陕西关中地域的儒学传统,是引申出来的广义关学。《关学篇》《关学续编》的“关学”是引申义的,作者基于历史编纂学目的,希望对关中地区乡邦文献人物作出全面整理。 Zhang Zai's(张载)special form of thought was centered around the exegesis of the Confucian classics,constituting his own school of thought within the broader scholarly landscape of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty(宋学),which was constructed as a school of thought based on the Confucian classical canon and focused on the notion of the normative principle(义理).His study of Confucian classics based on the normative principle was divided into two parts.Its first part was about the construction of the way for inward cultivation as a sage with the aim of"engendering heavenly delight and contentment with one's destiny".This was a type of study based on the normative-principle which took the Book of Change(《周易》)and the Four Books(《四书》)as its central canonical works.Its second part was about the construction of the way for outward supremacy as a king with the aim of"ruling a country and protecting its people".This was a type of study regarding the ritual system and the principles underlying it,taking the Ritual of Zhou(《周礼》),Ceremony and Ritual《仪礼》and the Book of Rites(《礼记》)as its central canonical works.The term"study of the Guanzhong School of Thought"(关学)originally referred to the specific school of thought which was formed by Zhang Zai in the course of his scholarly activities and later outreached in the Guanzhong(关中)region of Shaanxi Province in the Northern Song Dynasty.This term was eventually extended in scope,however,to refer to the Confuian tradition in the Guanzhong region in a broader sense as it existed throughout the Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties.The term"study of the Guanzhong School of Thought" from the two books entitled A Study on the Guanzhong School of Thought(《关学篇》)and A Further Study on the Guanzhong School of Thought(《关学续编》)was of extended meaning.Based on historical compilation science,the authors of the two books were intended to make a comprehensive historical-philological collation and record of the important documents and personages in the Guanzhong region.
作者 朱汉民 Zhu Hanmin(Yuelu Academy,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期44-52,共9页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“宋学源流”(项目编号:19ZDA028)。
关键词 张载 经学 义理之学 关学 学统 Zhang Zai(张载) Confucian classics study of the normative principle study of the Guanzhong School of Thought(关学) scholastic orthodoxy
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