

A Review of the Features of the Applied Ethics Column of Yinshan Academic Journal During the Past 10 Years
摘要 《阴山学刊》充分利用本刊编辑所学专业优势,捕捉新的学术增长点,设置了《应用伦理学研究》栏目。专栏以突破地域局限、统筹社会人们普遍关切的重大或实际问题为指导思想,把组建名家队伍、培育学术新人视为建设作者队伍的目标,近十年共推出专栏44期,学术论文76篇。这些论文选题突出学术前沿,关注现实热点问题;研究领域逐渐扩大,学科交叉研究显著。然而栏目建设在选题规划方面还有待完善,编辑除了提前确定重大历史节点选题外,每年再额外甄选2~3个重点选题提前向作者公布,使每期编发的文章论题相对集中,从而推动栏目专题研究向纵深发展。 Yinshan Academic Journal makes full use of the professional advantages of the editors,catches new academic growth points and sets up the column of“Applied Ethics Research”.In order to break through the geographical limitations and coordinate the major or practical issues of common concern,the column regards the establishment of a team of famous scholars and the cultivation of new academic staff as the goal of the construction of the author team.In recent ten years,44 columns and 76 academic papers have been published.These papers highlight the academic frontier topics,focus on real hot issues;The research field expands gradually,and the interdisciplinary research is remarkable.However,the construction of columns still needs to be improved in terms of topic selection planning.In addition to determining the topics of major historical nodes in advance,the editors should select 2-3 key topics annually in advance and announce them to the authors,so that the articles compiled in each issue will be relatively concentrated and thus promote the in-depth development of column research.
作者 王宇 WANG Yu(Editorial Department of Yinshan Academic Journal,Baotou Teachers College,Baotou 014030)
出处 《阴山学刊》 2020年第3期94-97,共4页 Yinshan Academic Journal
基金 内蒙古自治区高等学校学术期刊“名栏建设”项目“应用伦理学研究”(NJMZ1705)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 《阴山学刊》 《应用伦理学研究》 栏目 特色 Yinshan Academic Journal “Applied Ethics Research” column characteristics
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