
用户参与量表运用于探索式搜索效果评价的适用性探讨 被引量:5

Applicability of User Engagement Scale in Exploratory Search Effectiveness Evaluation
摘要 [目的/意义]探究用户参与度和探索式搜索效果之间的关系,验证用户参与量表(UES)用以评价探索式搜索效果的适用性,能够为探索式搜索效果评价提供新的思路,同时为指导用户搜索行为及搜索引擎的性能优化提供参考。[方法/过程]改进了适用于探索式搜索的用户参与量表,构建了多维探索式搜索效果评价指标体系,综合利用实验和问卷调查获取用户探索式搜索行为数据,通过SPSS数据分析揭示探索式搜索过程中用户参与度及其搜索效果之间的相关性。[结果/结论]除参与感以外的其他UES属性均对至少一个维度的探索式搜索效果有不同程度的显著正向影响,其中专注力影响最大,接下来依次是实用性、新颖性、易用性。可以认为,用户在探索式搜索过程中的参与度越高,搜索效果越好。用户参与量表运用于探索式搜索效果评价的适用性得以验证。 [Purpose/significance]Exploring the relationship between user engagement and exploratory search effectiveness,and verifying the applicability of User Engagement Scale(UES)in exploratory search effectiveness evaluation will not only provide new ideas for exploratory search effectiveness evaluation,but also provide reference in guiding users’search behavior and the performance optimization of search engine.[Method/process]This paper adapts the User Engagement Scale to exploratory search,and constructs a multi-dimensional exploratory search effectiveness evaluation index system.Users’search behavior data are obtained by means of experiment and questionnaire.SPSS data analysis reveals the correlation between user engagement and search effectiveness during exploratory search.[Result/conclusion]All UES attributes,excepts the sense of engagement,have significant positive effects on search effectiveness on at least one dimension in varying degrees.Focused attention has the greatest impact,followed by practicability,novelty and ease of use.It can be safely concluded that the more one is engaged in exploratory search,the higher the search efficiency is.Thus,the applicability of UES in exploratory search effectiveness evaluation was verified.
作者 袁红 周浩 Yuan Hong
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期109-114,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“用户探索式搜索行为的意图—策略关联模式研究”的成果之一,项目编号:17BTQ087。
关键词 用户参与量表 探索式搜索 搜索效果 用户满意度 成本收益比 查准率 user engagement scale exploratory search search effectiveness user satisfaction cost-benefit ratio precision
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