Obetive To amalype the biomechanical role in Viro of Lareral Femoral rocanteric wall in itetrocateric fracure inmeulary fixation with PFNA and to observe importance of beral femoral trochanteric Wll.Methods 9 aduls femur specimens of intertrochanteric fracure were caused by AO fracure casification of A1 type,they were randomly divided into the control group.the treatment A group and the treatment B group,every group had 3 specimens.The lateral wall of control group ws damaged.The treatment A group and treatment B group were treated by PFNA.and the lteral wall of the treacmen A goup wa good,but the lureral wall of the treatment B group was dumaged.Thuee groups of spec imens were compression load test with universal testing machine.and the maximun carrying capacity was observed.The distance between facture ends.the compression diplaement ditance of fracture ends and the sliding distance of the fracture fragments along the itetrocuntere were meaured with Caliper.Results The mximum carrying apacity of the teatment goup A was the largest.fllowed by the Ireatment group B.There was stistcal significance between the three groups(P<0.01).The displacement of the fracture spacing stump of the three groups before compresion were not signifcant diferences(P>0.05).The compression displacement distance of fracture ends and the siding distance of the fracture fragments along the ittroehuntre of the treatment A goup and treatmeut B group were les than the control group,they were sgnifiant diferences(P<0.05)。The distance between fracture ends of the treatment A group were no dfferences with the treatment B group and the control group(P>0.05),and the compression dipbaement distance of fracture ends of the treatment A group were no difecrence with treatment B group(P>0.05)。but the sliding distance of the fracture fragments along the intetrochanteric of the trament A group were less than the tretment B group,they were significant dffrences(P<0.05).Conelusion Iotraeullay fixation with PFNA is a efective way to treat itertrochantrir fractures,it can firmly fix the fracture end,and the inegity of the lateral wall is conducive to impoving the bearing capacity and sabiliy of inuramedullary fixation。which deserves clinical atention.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal
The icrtrochanerre fracture
The luteral wall of femur
Intamedullary Fixaion