The inclusions in bearing steel produced by BOF-LF-RH-CC and EAF-LF-VD-CC were compared and analyzed. The number and composition of inclusions in the early stage of LF refining will be affected by the carbon content of primary melting furnace tapping. The carbon mass fraction of steel is 0.07 % in the BOF tapping, the number of inclusions is 5.04 per mm2 and mainly Al2O3 at the early of LF refining;the carbon mass fraction of steel is 0.58 % in the EAF tapping, the number of inclusions is 2.49 per mm2 and mainly MgO·Al2O3 at the early of LF refining. But at the end of LF refining, the carbon content of tapping have less effect on the number of inclusions. The CaO activity in LF refining slag has an impact on CaO content in inclusions, CaO activity of LF refining slag in BOF-LF-RH-CC process is 0.632, the CaO mass fraction in inclusion is 5 % at the end of refining;CaO activity of LF refining slag in EAF-LF-VD-CC process is 0.965, the CaO mass fraction of inclusion at the end of refining is 18 %. By comparing and analyzing the composition and quantity changes of bearing steel inclusions after RH and VD, it is found that the number of MgO·Al2O3 high-melting point inclusions decreases from 1.02 per mm2 to 0.01 per mm2 after RH treatment;the number of MgO·Al2O3 inclusion decreases from 0.18 per mm2 to 0.01 per mm2 after VD treatment and the inclusions are mainly low melting point of CaO-Al2O3. However,from the analysis of the total number of CaO-Al2O3-MgO style inclusion, it is found that the number of inclusions has a sharp decline after RH treatment but has not decrease after VD treatment. Therefore, it is considered that the decrease of MgO·Al2O3 inclusions in VD process is due to the disguised "calcium treatment" of MgO·Al2O3 caused by the sharp steel slag mixing in VD process.
QU Zhidong;XIE You;MENG Xiaoling;XU Jianfei;WANG Kunpeng(Technology Center of Zenith Iron&Steel Group Co.,Ltd.,Changzhou 213100,China)