
我国居民健康素养现状及影响因素研究——以日照市为例 被引量:7

Study on present situation and influencing factors of Chinese residents health literacy--Take Rizhao city for example
摘要 [目的]了解我国居民健康素养水平现状,分析其影响因素,为提高健康素养水平提供对策建议。[方法]采用多阶段分层抽样的方法,于2019年3-4月选取日照市岚山区和五莲县居民进行调查,采用t检验和方差分析对不同人口学特征居民的健康素养进行比较,采用多元线性回归对居民健康素养的影响因素进行分析。[结果]日照市居民健康素养得分为(27.43±12.55)分(总分74分)。3个方面健康素养标化后得分依次为基本知识和理念素养(16.97±7.43)分、健康生活方式与行为(13.20±6.42)分、基本技能(12.64±7.76)分;6类健康问题素养标化后得分依次为:安全与急救(8.36±4.24)分、科学健康观(8.09±4.20)分、基本医疗(7.87±3.41)分、传染病防治(7.96±4.13)分、慢性病防治(6.13±3.46)分、健康信息(4.93±4.08)分。在健康素养水平、3个方面健康素养水平以及6类问题素养水平方面,女性低于男性,70岁以上年龄组的居民最低,农村居民低于城市,文化程度越低水平越低,家庭人均年收入越低居民的水平越低。多元线性回归结果显示,年龄组与健康素养得分呈负相关(t=-6.777,P<0.01),常住地(t=6.571,P<0.01)、文化程度(t=10.831,P<0.01)、家庭人均年收入(t=4.053,P<0.01)与健康素养得分呈正相关。[结论]我国居民健康素养水平稳步提高,但仍具有提升空间。日照市居民健康素养较低,老年人、常住地在农村、文化程度低且家庭人均年收入低的居民健康素养偏低,建议通过拓宽健康教育渠道,加强健康知识的宣传,培养居民的健康意识,提高居民自我保健、应急技能等方面的能力提高居民的健康素养。 Objective To understand present situation of Chinese residents health literacy level,analyze its influencing factors so as to provide countermeasures and suggestions for improving health literacy level.Methods It used multi-stage stratified sampling method,residents from Lanshan district and Wulian county of Rizhao city were selected for survey from March to April 2019.The t-test and analysis of variance were used to compare health literacy of residents with different demographic characteristics.Multivariate linear regression was used to analyze influencing factors of residents health literacy.Results The health literacy score of residents in Rizhao city was 27.43±12.55(total score 74 points).The three aspects of health literacy scores after standardization in proper order were that basic knowledge and conceptual literacy(16.97±7.43),healthy lifestyle and behavior(13.20±6.42),and basic skill(12.64±7.76).The six types of health problem literacy scores after standardization in proper order were that safety and first aid(8.36±4.24),scientific and outlook of health(8.09±4.20),basic medical care(7.87±3.41),prevention and treatment of infectious diseases(7.96±4.13),prevention and treatment of chronic diseases(6.13±3.46),health information(4.93±4.08).In terms of health literacy level,three types of health literacy level and six types of problem literacy level,female was lower than male,the residents in the age group over 70 years old were the lowest,rural residents were lower than city s,the lower the level of education had the lower level,the lower the per capita annual income of the family had the lower level.Multiple linear regression results showed that age group was negatively correlated with health literacy score(t=-6.777,P<0.01),usual place of residence(t=6.571,P<0.01),education level(t=10.831,P<0.01)and per capita annual income of the family(t=4.053,P<0.01)were positively correlated with health literacy score.Conclusions The level of health literacy of Chinese residents has steadily improved,and there is still room for improvement.The health literacy of residents in Rizhao city is low.Elderly,residents whose permanent residence place is in rural area,low education and low per capita annual income have low health literacy.It is suggested that broaden the channels of health education,strengthen publicity of health knowledge,cultivate residents health awareness,improve residents self-care,emergency skills and other aspects of ways so as to improve health literacy of residents.
作者 李玲玉 尹文强 程呈 韩岩 王安琪 陈钟鸣 赵兹旋 周龙德 马广斌 陈兴民 LI Ling-yu;YIN Wen-qiang;CHENG Cheng;HAN Yan;WANG An-qi;CHEN Zhong-ming;ZHAO Zi-xuan;ZHOU Long-de;MA Guang-bin;CHEN Xing-min(School of Management,Weifang Medical University,Weifang Shandong 261053,China;“Health Shandong”Severe Social Risk Prevention and Management Collaborative Innovation Center,Weifang Shandong 261053,China;The Innovation Center for Social Risk Governance in Health,Shanghai 200032,China)
出处 《卫生软科学》 2020年第7期3-7,59,共6页 Soft Science of Health
基金 国家自然科学基金项目:新医改形势下乡村医生发展研究(71373182) 国家自然科学基金项目:健康乡村建设视阈下乡村医生队伍脆弱性形成机理与治理策略研究—以山东省为例(71804131) 2015年山东省本科高校教学改革研究面上项目:公共事业管理专业本科生导师制的研究与实践——以潍坊医学院为例(2015M205)。
关键词 健康素养 现状 影响因素 山东 日照 health literacy current situation influence factors Shandong Rizhao
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