

Review on the Rule Logic and Its Application of Price Comparability in Determining Dumping in WTO System——Criticism on the Legal Interpretation Submitted by the United States in DS516
摘要 美国于中国诉欧盟"倾销价格可比方法案"(DS516)作为第三方提交的"法律解释意见",转换了该案各方关于"《中国入世议定书》第15条a款终止与否"的原有争点,代之以"非市场价格不可比是WTO反倾销一般法律原则"的全新命题,其意图不止于就规则内涵作利己式解读,更具有通过构建一个新的规则逻辑打破WTO现有制度边界的扩张性意图。对其中误解、误读之处必须加以澄清。本文认为,有关倾销价格可比方法规则的应然诠释是:WTO规则而非反倾销法理是贯穿本案裁判和法律解释的基本根据;GATT 1994第6条和《反倾销协定》第2条作为原则条款的核心内涵为严格限权而非概括授权;GATT 1994第6.1条"注释2"和《中国入世议定书》第15条作为特定规则具有排他、优先适用而非开放、组合适用的规范属性;WTO反倾销规则补充、修订及成员加入实践的一些常见做法,具有显见的个别性与差异性,远未满足嗣后惯例的可信程度。 The"Legal Interpretation"submitted by the United States as a third party in European Union—Measures Related to Price Comparison Methodologies(DS516,Complainant:China)transformed the original dispute points held by the parties regarding"the termination of Section 15 of China’s WTO Accession Protocol"and replaced it with a new proposition that"Incomparability"of"Non-Market Economy"Prices is a general legal principle of WTO anti-dumping law.Its intention is not only to make a favorable interpretation of itself regarding the connotation of the rules,but also to express the expansionary effort by constructing the new rule logic so as to break the existing institutional boundaries of the WTO System.The misunderstanding contained in the interpretation must be clarified.This article opines that,the reasonable interpretation of the rules of comparability of the prices in the anti-dumping proceedings should include the following points:WTO rules rather than anti-dumping jurisprudence are the legal basis for the adjudication and legal interpretation throughout the case;the import of ArticleⅥof GATT and ArticleⅡof ADA as principle clauses is strictly restricted power rather than generalized authorization;AdⅡof GATT ArticleⅥand Section 15 of China’s WTO Accession Protocol are exclusive,preferential rather than open,combination provisions as the specific rules;the common practices of complements and amendments of WTO anti-dumping law and those of acceding members have obvious individualities and differences,far from satisfying the standards of subsequent practices.
作者 肖冰 Xiao Bing
机构地区 东南大学法学院
出处 《国际经济法学刊》 CSSCI 2020年第2期9-27,共19页 Journal of International Economic Law
基金 国家社科基金项目“WTO争端解决中的中国现象与中国问题研究”(项目号:14AFX027)的资助。
关键词 DS516 WTO倾销价格可比方法 GATT第6条 《反倾销协定》第2条 《中国入世议定书》第15条 DS516 Method of Comparability of Prices in WTO Anti-Dumping Law ArticleⅥof GATT ArticleⅡof ADA Section 15 of China’s WTO Accession Protocol
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