【目的】观察分析不同芍药品种群品种的根茎结构发育特点,对芍药根茎进行解剖学研究,初步解析芍药根茎次生结构及生长轮特征,以期为通过根茎结构判断芍药株龄、优化无性繁殖和栽培管理技术,促进资源的开发和利用研究提供一定的理论依据。【方法】以芍药不同品种群的6个品种不同发育时期的地下根茎为研究对象,观察并分析其发育更新特征,应用石蜡切片和徒手切片技术,对不同品种、同一品种不同生长年限的根茎次生结构特征进行观察分析。【结果】不同芍药品种的地下根茎组织架构基本一致,即由根茎、着生于根茎上的根茎芽和根3部分组成,根茎每年有序更新,年龄分级特征明显;四倍体品种‘Cream Delight’根茎发育特征与其余5个品种差异明显;6个芍药品种根茎次生结构由周皮、皮层、次生韧皮部、形成层、次生木质部和中央髓组成。二倍体‘种生粉’、二倍体‘粉玉奴’、三倍体‘Coral Sunset’和四倍体‘Cream Delight’4个品种根茎次生木质部大小导管有规律地依次排列,口径较大的导管和周围的小导管聚集形成群团状,导管群分布较稀疏,两导管群之间的间隔明显。与四倍体‘Cream Delight’相比,三倍体‘Coral Sunset’的导管群分布较紧凑。伊藤杂种两个三倍体品种‘Prairie Charm’和‘Going Bananas’根茎的次生木质部大小导管分布较均匀,形成较连续的环带,并不聚集形成团块状。芍药根茎截面在脱水后维管组织呈白色或淡黄色,间断环状分布,中央髓部组织下凹,位于不同环的维管组织从髓部向皮层呈放射状排列。不同生长年限的根茎中次生木质部口径较大的导管及其周围的小导管聚集呈团块状,导管群切向断续有规律地依次排列成与形成层平行的环,形成清晰的生长轮,且生长轮的数目与其实际生长年龄一致。【结论】芍药不同品种地下根茎组织架构特征基本一致,且存在明显的龄级特征。二倍体及三倍体各品种根茎发育特征相似,而与四倍体不同。中国芍药及杂种芍药品种群品种根茎次生结构相似而与伊藤杂种差异明显,杂种芍药品种群内三倍体及四倍体品种根茎次生结构差异较大,芍药根茎生长轮次生结构特征与品种倍性无关。芍药根茎中的生长轮即为其年轮,且其数目能够反映芍药的实际生长年限。
[Objective] By observing and analyzing the rhizome structure and development characteristics of different varieties of peony, the anatomical study on the rhizome was conducted to preliminarily analyze the secondary structure and growth ring characteristics of the rhizome of herbaceous peony, so as to provide theoretical basis for judging the plant age of peony and optimizing the asexual reproduction and cultivation management technology, and promote the development and utilization of resources. [Method] The underground rhizomes of different developmental stages of six varieties of different peony groups were studied, and their development and renewal characteristics were observed and analyzed. Paraffin sections and freehand slicing techniques were used to observe and analyze the secondary structural characteristics of rhizomes of different cultivars and different cultivars with varied growth years. [Result] The underground rhizome structure of different varieties was basically the same, that is, the underground organs of the peony were composed of rhizome, rhizome buds and roots growing on the rhizome. The rhizome was updated regularly every year, and the age grading characteristics were obvious;the developmental characteristics of the tetraploid cultivar ‘Cream Delight’ were significantly different from the other five varieties.The rhizomes of 6 varieties of peony were composed of peridermis, cortex, secondary phloem, cambium, secondary xylem and central pith. The large and small conduits of the secondary xylem of the rhizomes of diploid variety‘Zhongshengfen’, diploid variety ‘Fenyunu’, triploid variety ‘Coral Sunset’ and tetraploid variety ‘Cream Delight’ were arranged sequentially.The larger diameter catheter and the surrounding small catheter gathered to form a cluster, and the catheter group was sparsely distributed. The spacing between the two catheter groups was significant. The interval between the catheter clusters of ‘Coral Sunset’ was smaller than ‘Cream Delight’.The large and small ducts in the secondary xylem of the rhizomes of the two triploid Itoh varieties‘Prairie Charm’ and ‘Going Bananas’ were evenly distributed and formed a relatively continuous ring zone,and they don’t clump together. After dehydration, the vascular structure of the rhizome of the peony was white or yellowish, with intermittent distribution of the ring, and the central medullary tissue was concave.Vascular tissues located in different rings were radially arranged from the pith to the cortex. The larger diameter catheters in the secondary xylem and the small ones around them were clustered in clumps in the rhizomes of different growth years. The catheter group was tangentially intermittently arranged in a sequence parallel to the cambium to form a clear growth ring, and the number of growth ring was consistent with the actual growth age of the rhizome of the herbaceous peony. [Conclusion] The structural characteristics of underground rhizome of different varieties of peony are basically the same, and there are obvious grading characteristics. The rhizome development characteristics of diploid and triploid are similar,but different from tetraploid. The secondary structural characteristics of rhizome of varieties belonging to lactiflora and hybrid groups are similar, but are significantly different in the varieties of Itoh group. There are significant differences in secondary structure of the rhizomes between triploid and tetraploid varieties of hybrid groups, and there is no direct correlation between the secondary structure characteristics of growth ring of rhizome and chromosome ploidy of herbaceous peony. The growth rings in the rhizome of herbaceous peony are its annual rings, and the number of growth rings can reflect the actual growth years of herbaceous peony.
Zhang Jianjun;Chen Liqi;Li Jianguang;Sun Miao;Fan Yongming;Yu Xiaonan(Beijing Key Laboratory of Ornamental Plants Germplasm Innovation&Molecular Breeding,National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture,Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment,Key Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding in Forest Trees and Ornamental Plants of Ministry of Education,School of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;Beijing Customs Office,Beijing 100083,China)
Journal of Beijing Forestry University
herbaceous peony
underground rhizome
growth ring
growth year
anatomical characteristics