
基于泊松分布的WSN最优簇首数的研究 被引量:1

Optimal Cluster Head Number of WSN based on Poisson Distribution
摘要 针对传统LEACH协议中簇首数随机设置导致网络能耗增加的问题,提出了节点基于泊松分布下sink节点位于传感器网络内部的最优簇首数求解方法。首先,通过建立二维泊松点分布模型模拟传感器节点分布情况;其次,分别讨论网络不同覆盖面积、不同节点数等应用场景下的能耗公式,以提高推导的精确性;最后,以最小化网络能耗为目的求出最优值计算公式。理论与仿真结果表明:相比于传统LEACH协议,在不同应用场景中选择合适的簇首数,极大地提高了节点的生存时间,也延长了网络的整体寿命。 In order to solve the problem of increasing network energy consumption caused by the random setting of cluster head number in the traditional LEACH protocol,a method of solving the optimal cluster head number based on Poisson distribution and sink node located in the sensor network is proposed.Firstly,the two-dimensional Poisson distribution model is established to simulate the distribution of sensor nodes.Then,the energy consumption formulas of different network coverage areas and different number of nodes are discussed so as to improve the accuracy of derivation.Finally,the optimal value calculation formula is obtained with the purpose of minimizing network energy consumption.The theoretical and simulation results indicate that,compared with the traditional LEACH protocol,and by choosing the appropriate number of cluster heads in different application scenarios,the survival time of nodes could be greatly proved,and the overall life of the network be also extended.
作者 李晓慧 赵建平 LI Xiao-hui;ZHAO Jian-ping(College of Physics Engineering,Qufu Normal University,Qufu Shandong 273165,China)
出处 《通信技术》 2020年第6期1385-1391,共7页 Communications Technology
基金 横向联合开发项目“基于物联网的太阳能杀虫灯智能化控制系统研发”(No.20150106150932) 山东省博士基金项目(No.ZR2017BF017) 国家青年科学基金项目(No.61701278)。
关键词 无线传感器网络 LEACH协议 网络能耗 泊松分布 最优簇首数 WSN(wireless sensor network) LEACH protocol network energy consumption Poisson distribution optimal cluster head number
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