
论二审检察院能否新增抗诉请求及其合理控制 被引量:2

On Whether the Second-Instance Procuratorate Can Increase the Protest Requests and Its Reasonable Control
摘要 关于二审检察机关能否新增原审检察院抗诉书中没有涉及的抗诉请求,《刑事诉讼法》没有规定,最高人民检察院、最高人民法院也没有提出全面、明确的意见。实践中各地做法各异,研究领域对此探讨较少且说服力不强。允许二审检察院独立提出抗诉请求,在国内检察体制下具有许容性,是检察机关延伸并正确行使诉权的要求,同时也是发挥诉讼监督职权的应有之义。为保障被告人的辩护权和"可获得二审救济""上诉不加刑"有关权利,应当采取"原则上授权允许+合理限制"的态度,要求二审检察院只能在原审起诉指控的范围内,新增有利于被告人的抗诉请求或者针对原审检察院的抗诉对象、抗诉事项新增不利于被告人的抗诉意见和理由,并及时告知二审法院、被告人及其辩护人。省级以上检察院应当对此做出统一规范,并随之改进抗诉法律文书制作工作。 Regarding whether the Second-Instance procuratorial organ can add the protest requests not covered by the protest legal documents of the original procuratorate,there is no provision in the Criminal Procedure Law,and neither the Supreme People’s Procuratorate nor the Supreme People’s Court has put forward comprehensive and clear opinions,which leads to different practices of procuratorates and courts in practice.There is a lack of attention in this area of research,and the existing research is not convincing enough.Allowing the Second-Instance Court independently file a request for protest,which is versatile under the domestic procuratorial system,and it is also the requirement for the procuratorial organs to extend and exercise their right to appeal correctly,as well as the proper meaning of exerting the power of litigation supervision.In order to guarantee the defendant’s right of defense,the right of final adjudication of the second instance and the right related to the principle of"no additional penalty on appeal",we should adopt the attitude of"authorization permission in principle+reasonable restriction",requiring that within the scope of the accusation of the first instance,the second-instance procuratorial organ can only add new protest requests in favor of the defendant,or to add new protest opinions and reasons against the object of protest and the matters of protest against the defendant,and to inform the Second-Instance Court,the defendant and their defenders in time.The procuratorates at or above the provincial level should standardize this and improve the production of legal documents for protest accordingly.
作者 李崇涛 Li Chongtao
出处 《交大法学》 CSSCI 2020年第3期159-173,共15页 SJTU Law Review
基金 2019年度最高人民检察院检察理论研究课题“二审检察机关新增抗诉请求问题研究”(项目编号:GJ2019C14)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 二审抗诉程序 上一级检察院 抗诉请求 上诉不加刑 辩护权 Procedure of Protest in Second Instance Upper Level Procuratorate Protest Request No Appeal Resulting in Additional Punishment Right of Defence
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