
民法典物权编的发展与展望 被引量:23

The Development and Prospect of the Part of Property in the Civil Code
摘要 “以人民为中心,切实回应人民法治需求”是民法典物权编的基本指导思想。物权编增设了无居民海岛所有权、居住权等新的物权种类,完善了建筑物区分所有权的相关规则,并对物权的设立和行使作了符合绿色原则的限制。用益物权分编反映了新一轮土地制度改革的成果,将承包地产权结构界定为“土地所有权→土地承包经营权→土地经营权”,明确了土地经营权的权利内容,并赋予其登记能力;删除禁止耕地抵押的规定,为农地金融的发展提供了可能;修改“二轮”承包之后的延包规则,给予承包农户稳定的土地经营预期。基于优化营商环境的需要,担保物权分编扩充了担保财产的范围,允许担保财产的概括性描述,为未来财产进入融资担保领域提供了前提;删除了具体担保物权登记机构的规定,为建立统一动产和权利担保登记制度留下了空间;丰富了同一财产上竞存担保物权的优先顺位规则,增加了担保交易的确定性。 "Taking the people as the center and responding to the needs of the people’s rule of law"is the basic guiding ideology of the Part of Property in the Civil Code.The Part of Property adds new types of real right,such as the ownership of uninhabited island and the right of habitation,improves the relevant rules of the condominium ownership of buildings,and limits the establishment and exercise of real right in line with the green principle.The Division of Usufructuary Rights reflects the results of the new reform in land system.It defines the property right structure of contracted land as"land ownership → contractual right of land → management right of land",clarifies the right content of land management right,and endows it with the registration ability.It deletes the prohibition of the mortgage of cultivated land,and makes it possible for the development of rural land finance.To give the contracted farmers stable expectation of land contract management,the rules of extension of contracted land after the second round of land-contract have been revised.Based on the needs of optimizing the business environment,the Division of Security Rights expands the scope of secured property,allows the general description of secured property,and provides the premise for the future property to enter the field of financing security.It deletes the provisions of the specific registration institution of security,leaving room for the establishment of a unified filing system of movable property and right security.It enriches the priority rules of competing security interest on the same property,and increases the certainty of secured transactions.
作者 高圣平 GAO Shengping(School of Law,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期19-29,共11页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)重大项目“民法典担保法的解释与适用”(20XNL003)。
关键词 民法典物权编 绿色原则 建筑物区分所有权 居住权 营商环境 The Part of Property in the Civil Code Green principle Condominium ownership of buildings Right of habitation Business environment
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