
miR-21介导的TGF-β/Smad通路在子宫内膜样癌发病中的作用 被引量:2

摘要 子宫内膜样癌的发病机制尚不明确。TGF-β/Smad信号通路可能参与了子宫内膜样癌形成的多个过程。miR-21因在肿瘤侵袭转移中的调节作用而倍受重视。miR-21是否与TGF-β/Smad信号通路相关,是否通过该通路参与子宫内膜样癌的发生,其在发病机制中发挥怎样的作用以及通过调控miR-21能否成为子宫内膜样癌治疗的新策略,以上问题都需要进一步研究证实。本文将围绕上述问题进行综述。 The pathogenesis mechanism of endometrioid endometrial cancer(EEC)is not clear yet.TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway may participate in EEC formation process.miR-21 is concerned about the important role in the regulation of invasion and metastasis pathway in multiple organ tumor disease.It is need the further study to confirm whether miR-21 is associated with the TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway,whether it is involved in the pathogenesis of EEC through this pathway,the role of miR-21 in the pathogenesis of EEC,and whether regulation of miR-21 could become a new therapy strategy for EEC.A literature review will be made in this paper with the focus on the above issues.
出处 《妇产与遗传(电子版)》 2020年第1期46-49,共4页 Obstetrics-Gynecology and Genetics (Electronic Edition)
基金 江苏省博士后科研资助计划(2019K064) 江苏省“333工程”科研资助项目(BRA2019161) 常州市卫生计生委重大科技项目(ZD201812) 南京医科大学康达学院2018年度教育研究课题(KD2018JYYJYB055) 常州市科技计划项目(CE20175004) 江苏省妇幼健康科研项目(F201724)。
关键词 子宫内膜样癌 MIR-21 TGF-Β/SMAD信号通路 Endometrioid endometrial cancer miR-21 TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway
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