
中美高技术制造业双边贸易分解及潜力分析 被引量:7

Study on Decomposition and Potential of Sino-US Bilateral Trade in High-tech Industries
摘要 本文利用最新版WIOT数据、WWZ模型以及扩展引力模型对中美高技术制造业双边贸易进行了分解和潜力分析。结果表明:(1)中美高技术制造业贸易具有较强的互补性,且美国高技术制造业贸易越来越依赖于中国市场。(2)中国高技术制造业出口获益能力低于美国,其中中国高技术制造业出口主要用于最终需求,而美国高技术制造业出口主要用于中间投入。(3)相对美国,中国高技术制造业出口中隐含着大量国外价值,且位于全球价值链相对下游位置。(4)中国高技术制造业参与全球价值链较少环节,而美国高技术制造业占据全球价值链较多环节。(5)中美高技术制造业的国际生产分工程度均高于国内生产分工。(6)中美高技术制造业双边贸易仍存在较大的潜力,具有进一步合作发展空间。然而,新冠肺炎疫情严重影响了双边贸易合作潜力的进一步释放。 Based on World Input-Output Database(WIOD),WWZ model and Gravity model,the article decomposes the Sino-US bilateral trade in High-tech industries during 2000-2014 and analyzes its potential.Our studies indicate the following:(1)Sino-US bilateral trade in high-tech industries has strong complementarities,and US high-tech industries trade is increasingly dependent on the China market.(2)The profit ability of China′s High-tech industries is relatively lower than USA′s.Exports of China′s High-tech industries are mainly used for final demands,while exports of USA′s High-tech industries are mainly used for intermediate inputs.(3)Large share of foreign value-added(FVA)in exports of China′s High-tech industries indicates that exports contain a lot of foreign value,and China′s High-tech industries is in the downstream of global value chains(GVC).(4)The GVC of China′s High-tech industries are shorter than USA′s.(5)The degrees of international productive specialization are higher than domestic productive specialization.(6)The bilateral trade in High-tech industries between China and USA still has larger potential.However,COVID-19 seriously affects the further release of Sino-US bilateral trade cooperation potential.
作者 尹伟华 YIN Wei-hua(Economic Forecasting Department,State Information Center,100045)
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期42-55,共14页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“国家安全风险管理关键技术研究与应用”(项目编号:2018YFC0806900) 国家社会科学基金青年项目“全球价值链视角下的中国进出口贸易分解及对经济发展的影响研究”(项目编号:15CTJ002)阶段性成果之一。
关键词 全球价值链 双边贸易 增加值贸易 世界投入产出表 贸易潜力 Global Value Chain Bilateral Trade Trade in Value-added World Input-output Tables Potential in Trade
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