
民法物权变动理论的历史经验及当代启示 被引量:1

Analysis on Historical Lessons and Contemporary Significance of Changes of Real Rights of Civil Law
摘要 物权变动是民事立法中的基础理论问题,我国自清末试行民法以来,至今天颁布民法典,在民法中均以物债分离为基本原则。但是在民初以区分原则为基本原则前提下,从中央到地方的司法实践中,对这一原则的运用却发生了异化,主要体现在将私人制作书据认定为物权契约,以及利用上手契解决物权变动效力问题。这对于物权的公示性产生了极大挑战。异化的原因在于转型时期传统与现代之间的冲突,传统交易模式对书据有着强烈的依赖,而登记作为区分原则的重要基础却久未建立。在民法典已经颁布的今天,我们需要重视民初司法官提供的经验,对既存利益予以更多尊重。对于基于历史习惯以及现实交易环境而发生的种种问题,例如小产权房、农地流转等,我们在回顾以往经验的基础上,应当注意到其中对于信赖利益的尊重,以及维护物权变动成果等做法,为以后的司法实践提供参考与借鉴。 The transfer of real right is the basic issue in civil legislation.Since the trial of civil law in the late Qing Dynasty,as for the promulgation of civil code today,in civil law,the principle of distinction is the basic principle.But in the beginning of the Republic of China,the application of this principle has been alienated from the central to the local judicial practice on the premise of the principle of distinction as the basic principle in the civil case of first instance,which is mainly reflected in the identification of private documents as real contract,and the use of the original contract to solve the problem of the legal effect of the real right's transfer.This was a great challenge to the publicity of real rights,but the magistrates used term the principle of distinction to analyze these private documents,which was actually the alienation of the principle of distinction.The reason lies in the conflict between the tradition and the modern in the transition period,that is,the traditional court has a strong dependence on the documents,meanwhile the registration as an important basis of the principle of distinction has not been established in a long time,which led to a phenomenon of alienation.As the promulgation of Civil Code nowadays,it is necessary to pay attention to the experience provided by the magistrates in the beginning of the Republic of China,that is giving more respect to the existing interests.Facing the problems due to historical habits and actual trading environment,it is important to respect trust interests,safeguard the transfer of real right and so on,which affords us lessons for future judicial practice,based on the review of the former practice.
作者 李贵连 刘陈皓 LI Gui-lian;LIU Chen-hao
出处 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期118-126,F0003,共10页 Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“龙泉司法档案整理与研究”(13&ZD151)。
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