由于养殖饲料中重金属添加剂的使用,使畜禽粪便中重金属含量增加。为减少畜禽粪便重金属的污染,该研究以猪粪为发酵原料,通过添加不同预处理(稀H2SO4处理、NaOH处理)的玉米秸秆,在温度35℃,接种物量30%,总固体(Total Solid,TS)浓度为10%,pH值为7.0,C/N比为25的条件下进行90 d厌氧发酵试验,旨在研究添加玉米秸秆对重金属Cd钝化效果的影响。结果表明:猪粪厌氧发酵过程中添加玉米秸秆有利于重金属Cd从有效态转化为稳定态;猪粪在厌氧发酵过程中添加玉米秸秆能提高重金属Cd的钝化效果,添加碱处理玉米秸秆钝化效果最佳,为32.38%,添加稀酸处理玉米秸秆的处理钝化效果次之,为32.00%。显著性分析表明,猪粪厌氧发酵过程中添加酸碱处理玉米秸秆对重金属Cd的钝化效果显著高于猪粪单独发酵和添加不经过处理的玉米秸秆(P<0.05),而添加稀酸处理秸秆与添加碱处理秸秆重金属钝化效果差异不显著(P>0.05);傅立叶红外光谱法(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer,FTIR)显示厌氧发酵后,沼渣中碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪族化合物等有机物含量减少,腐殖质含量增加,添加玉米秸秆后有机物腐殖化程度有所提高,且添加碱处理玉米秸秆时有机物腐殖化程度较好,其次是添加酸处理玉米秸秆的处理。因此在猪粪厌氧发酵过程中适量添加经过酸、碱处理的玉米秸秆,可以降低沼渣中重金属Cd的生物有效性。研究结果可为畜禽粪便厌氧发酵重金属钝化提供参考。
In recent years,with the development of Chinese animal husbandry,some heavy metals have been added to animal feed to speed up the growth of livestock and poultry and prevent diseases.But most heavy metals can not be absorbed and digested,resulting in increasingly serious pollution problems of heavy metals in livestock and poultry manure,which seriously affects the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure.In this paper,pig manure was used as the treatment object,and heavy metal cadmium(Cd)was used as the research object.Different pretreated maize stovers was added(maize stovers and pig manure C/N of 25:1).The anaerobic fermentation period is 90 days,fermentation temperature is of 35℃,inoculum quantity is of 30%fermentation raw material,total solid is of 10%and pH value is of 7.The aim of this study is to provide a scientific basis for the treatment of heavy metals in livestock and poultry manure.The result shows:1)After the end of anaerobic fermentation,the proportion of exchangeable and reducible Cd contents in the treatment of adding maize stovers all decreased,and the proportion of oxidizable and residual Cd contents all increased.The results show that the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure and maize stovers is beneficial to convert heavy metal Cd from an effective state to a stable state.2)The passivation effect of effective form of heavy metal Cd in the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure alone is 21.22%,the effective passivation rates of heavy metal Cd in untreated corn stalk,dilute H2SO4 treated maize stovers and NaOH treated maize stovers were 29.60%,32.00%and 32.38%,respectively.The results showed that the anaerobic fermentation of maize stovers added to pig manure was beneficial to improve the passivation effect of heavy metal Cd.The passivation effect of heavy metal Cd in NaOH maize stovers is better.Significant analysis showed that the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure with maize stovers significantly increased the passivation of heavy metal Cd(P<0.01).The passivation effect of maize stovers treated with dilute H2SO4 and NaOH were significantly higher than that of untreated maize stovers group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in passivation effect between NaOH treated maize stovers and dilute H2SO4 treated maize stovers(P>0.05).3)Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer showed that the materials of each treatment group had similar spectral characteristics before and after anaerobic fermentation.After anaerobic fermentation,the relative intensity of the absorption peaks of the biogas residue of each treatment group decreased at 3408-3414 and 2850-2922 cm^-1,indicating that the organic matter such as amide compound,carbohydrate,protein,and aliphatic compound in the biogas residue were decomposed and reduced.The absorption peak intensity at 1642-1653 and 1240-1264 cm^-1 increased,indicating that the olefins,aromatic compounds and other substances in the biogas residue increased.The addition of maize stovers during the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure is beneficial to the reduction of organic matter content,the increase of humus content,and the humification degree of organic matter is better when the pig manure is added NaOH maize stovers.Adding an appropriate amount of NaOH and H2SO4 maize stovers to the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure can reduce the effectiveness of heavy metals in the biogas residue and the risk of heavy metal pollution.
Li Yi;Gong Xinglong;Guo Jingyang;Qu Zhuangzhuang;Zhang Zhen;Yi Weiming(School of Engineering,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866,China;School of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255049,China)
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
heavy metal
anaerobic fermentation
maize stovers