

Comparison and Analysis of Detection Results of Portable Blood Glucose Analyzer and Blood Glucose Analyzer
摘要 目的评价便携式血糖仪与生化分析仪血糖测定结果的一致性,监测血糖仪质量管理效果。方法用新鲜抗凝全血对西安交通大学第一附属医院长安区医院正在使用及备用的血糖仪与生化分析仪血糖检测结果进行准确度比对和批内精密度实验。结果当血糖浓度为2.73 mmol/L(<5.5 mmol/L)时,准确度差异为-0.18~0.14 mmol/L;批内精密度标准差为0.35 mmol/L,批间标准差为0.26 mmol/L。当血糖浓度≥5.5 mmol/L时,准确度差异为-6.25~9.24%;批内精密度为5.88%;批间精密度为4.08%。结论便携式血糖仪经济适用,操作简便,可快速反应患者病情,具有较高的临床应用价值,但应用中必须有完善的质量管理体系。 objective To evaluate the consistency of blood glucose measurement results between portable blood glucose meter and biochemical analyzer,and to monitor the quality management effect of blood glucose meter.Methods Fresh anticoagulant whole blood was used to compare the accuracy and intra-assay precision between the blood glucose meter and the biochemical analyzer.Results When the blood glucose concentration was 2.73 mmol/L(<5.5 mmol/L),the accuracy difference was-0.18~0.14 mmol/L.The standard deviation of intra-batch precision was 0.35 mmol/L and inter-batch standard deviation was 0.26 mmol/L.When the blood glucose concentration≥5.5 mmol/L,the accuracy difference was-6.25~9.24%.The intra-batch precision was 5.88%;The inter-batch precision was 4.08%.Conclusion The portable blood sugar meter is economical,easy to operate,can quickly respond to the patient's condition,has high clinical application value,but must have the perfect quality management system in the application.
作者 谢菊红 刘燕妮 张蒙 严露 XIE Juhong;LIU Yanni;ZHANG Meng;YAN Lu(Clinical Laboratory,Changan District Hospital,First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710100,China)
出处 《大医生》 2020年第2期117-119,共3页 Doctor
关键词 便携式血糖仪 生化分析仪 准确度 精密度 标准差 portable glucose meter biochemical analyzer accuracy precision standard deviation
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