
一种超宽带宽角扫描Vivaldi连接阵设计 被引量:3

Design of an UWB Wide-Angle Scan Vivaldi Connected Array
摘要 为满足相控阵天线超宽带宽角扫描的需求,设计了一种介质带线形式的双极化Vivaldi连接阵。利用连接阵和Floquet无穷周期边界原理,实现了六倍频程的有源阻抗匹配和宽角扫描低栅瓣设计,并有效降低了扫描波束损耗。利用隔离墙技术和天线尺寸优化设计,有效消除扫描盲点。对超宽带宽角扫描阵列进行了仿真和实测,两者性能符合良好。阵列天线具有重量轻、体积小、易加工、尺寸一致性好等优点,在超宽带宽角扫描相控阵应用方面具有良好的应用前景。 A dual polarized Vivaldi connected array in form of stripline PBC was designed to meet the requirements of wideband and wide-spatial phased array.Good active impedance matching of 6 octaves and low grating lobes are realized,by utilizing connected array and Floquet infinite periodic boundary theories and losses of scan beam are reduced as well.Scan blindness is eliminated with plated-through hole and dimension optimization.The array was fabricated and tested,and the results are in good agreement with those of the simulations.The array antennas feature with light weight,small size,easy fabrication and good dimensional uniformity,with an excellent application prospect in the application of UWB wide spatial phased array.
作者 李桂红 王珂 吴帅 洪玮 习磊 LI Guihong;WANG Ke;WU Shuai;HONG Wei;XI Lei(The 39th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Xi'an 710065)
出处 《火控雷达技术》 2020年第2期80-83,88,共5页 Fire Control Radar Technology
关键词 相控阵天线 宽频域 宽角扫描 Vivaldi阵列天线 连接阵原理 phased array antenna wideband,wide-angle scan Vivaldi array antenna connected array theory
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