
智慧农业背景下大数据在农业生产中的应用 被引量:13

Application of Smart Agriculture in Agricultural Production
摘要 自信息化时代以来,大数据是继物联网、云计算的又一次技术变革,这次变革加速了传统农业向数字农业、信息农业的转变。本文阐述了智慧农业在农产品种植前规划、种植时管理和收获后营销等方面的内容。在已有的数据中挖掘可用的信息,可以准确掌握市场供需情况,合理安排种植,做到精准农业,帮助农民提升收入。 Since the information age,big data is another technological change following the Internet of Things and cloud computing.This change had accelerated the transition from traditional agriculture to digital agriculture and information agriculture.The paper described the application of smart agriculture in the planning of agricultural products before planting,management during planting,and marketing after harvest.Digging the available information from the existing data can accurately grasp the market supply and demand,reasonably arrange planting,achieve precision agriculture,and help farmers increase income.
作者 贾战晓 JIA Zhan-xiao(Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding Hebei 071001)
机构地区 河北农业大学
出处 《现代农业科技》 2020年第13期228-228,231,共2页 Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
关键词 智慧农业 大数据 精准农业 农民增收 smart agriculture big data precision agriculture increasing farmers′income
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