
经济人类学视角下的区域市场转型研究 被引量:3

On Regional Market Transformation from the Perspective of Economic Anthropology
摘要 关于中国区域市场的研究基本形成了三种不同的研究路径:微观层面侧重于从经济活动过程讨论区域市场的内涵与发展趋势,但市场概念以及一般市场理论的普遍化解释导致其在市场转型差异性上欠缺解释力;宏观层面强调关注市场转型的社会过程,试图建构市场转型的理论体系,但忽视了市场的区域化特征,也缺失了对人本身的关注;中观层面注重从区域社会整体考察市场的差异结构及其变迁,试图构建区域市场的地方性解释,但始终没能超越既有西方理论框架。以上三种研究路径在研究视角、分析层次和内容倾向等方面存在差异,但皆潜存着区域市场现代转型的本土化探索空间,对于经济人类学研究而言,对区域市场的关注源于其转向“地方性”、本土化理论研究的兴趣及早期本土化探索。当前中国社会转型过程中市场的全球化流动环境与本土化发展目标,为从实践层面探索中国区域市场现代转型提供了新路径。 The research on China's regional market has basically formed three different research paths.Among them,the micro level focuses on discussing the connotation and development trend of regional market from the process of economic activity,but the generalized interpretation of market concept and general market theory leads to its lack of explanatory power in the difference of market transformation.The macro level emphasizes the attention to the social process of market transformation,tries to construct the theoretical system of market transformation,but neglects the regionalized characteristics of the market,and also lacks the attention to the subjectivity of people.The meso level focuses on investigating the different structures and changes of the market from the perspective of the regional society as a whole,and tries to construct a local interpretation of the regional market,but never goes beyond the existing western theoretical framework.These three research paths show differences in the research perspective,analysis level and content tendency,but they all have potentially a space for localization of the modern transformation of the regional market.For the anthropological research,the attention to the regional market originates from the economic anthropological turn to"locality",the interest of localization theory research and the early localization exploration.At present,the globalizedflow environment and localized developmental goals faced by the market in the process of social transformation in China provides a new path for exploring the modern transformation of China's regional market at the local practical level.
作者 邱婷 Qiu Ting(School of Sociology,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第4期158-165,共8页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 经济人类学 区域市场 基层市场 全球化与本土化 市场转型 economic anthropology regional market standard market globalization and localization market transformation
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