
中国学校与社区的教育共同体演进与构建 被引量:5

The Evolution and Construction of the Educational Community of Schools and Communities in China
摘要 共同体的核心是通过互动合作而形成的一种相互依存、和谐共生的关系。共生理论认为,精神共同体是共同体存在的前提与发展的方向,制度共同体是共同体有效运行的保障,实践共同体则是最终达成共同体目标的关键。教育共同体同样是由精神、制度和实践三个层面组成的一种共生关系,其内涵是以共同的精神信仰、一致的教育目标为支撑;规则、制度的维系是教育共同体运行的必要条件;以开放共享、自治为特征。上述三个方面可作为审视20世纪以来中国校社教育共同体的演进历程及其构建问题的框架。我国学校与社区从两个在精神上相对独立的组织逐步走向具有共同目标的精神共同体;在制度层面,政策与法规从单一规定学校教育服务于社区走向规定校社双向合作发展,校社合作从外部指令性制度走向内在自生性的制度;在实践层面,从学校教育单向服务社区走向校社合作互动。我国校社教育共同体的构建走过了曲折的历程,今天校社教育共同体的建立,应从精神、制度及实践三个层面去深化。校社教育共同体的建立,必须承认并尊重共同体中学校与社区各自独特的存在价值,融合共生,最终使学校与社区的教育都能在更高的水平上实现各有特色的发展。 The core of the community is an interdependent and harmonious symbiosis formed through interactive cooperation.Symbiosis theory believes that the spiritual community is the prerequisite and development direction of the community,the institutional community is the guarantee for the effective operation of the community,and the practice community is the key to finally achieving the community’s goals.The educational community is also a symbiotic relationship composed of three levels of spirit,system and practice.Its connotation is supported by a common spiritual belief and a consistent educational goal.The maintenance of rules and systems is a necessary condition for the operation of the educational community.And it is characterized by openness and sharing and autonomy.The above three aspects can be used as a framework to examine the evolution and construction of China’s educational community of schools and communities since the 20th century.China’s schools and communities have gradually moved from two relatively independent spiritual organizations to a spiritual community with common goals.At the system level,policies and regulations have changed from a single provision that school education should serve the community to a two-way cooperative development of schools and the society,and school-society cooperation moves from external command system to internal self-generated system.At the practical level,it changes from school education’s one-way service to the community to school-society cooperation and interaction.The construction of the educational community of schools and communities in China has gone through a tortuous process.Today,the establishment of the educational community of schools and communities should be deepened from the three levels of spirit,system and practice.Furthermore,it is necessary to recognize and respect the unique existence value of the schools and communities in the community,and ultimately to enable schools and communities to achieve their own unique development at a higher level.
作者 邵晓枫 刘文怡 SHAO Xiaofeng;LIU Wenyi
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期86-92,共7页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 2019年国家社科基金教育学一般项目“百年中国社区教育发展的历史反思与前瞻(1912-2020)”(BKA190225)。
关键词 教育共同体 学校 社区 关系演进 共同体构建 Educational Community School Community Relationship Evolution Community Construction
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