It is common to expand the illegal detention crime of asking for debts to limit the application of kidnapping crime. The excessive expansion explanation to the claim for debts deviates from the proper meaning of the debts. The purpose of asking for debts is not the standard to distinguish the crime of kidnapping from the crime of illegal detention, but is an excuse. Considering the crime of kidnapping as the combination of the crime of illegal detention and the illegal purpose of extorting money and property is a violation of principle of suiting crime to punishment. The cases of detention and hostage taking based on extortion of property may not be regarded as kidnapping crime. The essence of kidnapping crime lies in the serious infringement or threat of personal rights. It is suitable for crime and punishment to understand the means of kidnapping crime as the serious infringement or threat of personal rights. The degree of illegality of purpose has reference significance for determining the illegality of the means of kidnapping. If a person is detained or detained for purposes other than debt collection, and there is no serious violation of personal rights, it shall still constitute the crime of illegal detention. We should reasonably limit the interpretation of kidnapping crime, and timely adjust the relationship between crime and punishment.
China Legal Science