

The Reasons for Central Asia's Incorporation into the Russian Market from the Second Half of the 19 th Century to the Early 20th Century
摘要 19世纪下半叶,俄国历经数十载彻底兼并中亚各汗国,中亚与俄国的政治、经济和军事联系日趋紧密,中亚市场也逐渐成为全俄市场的有机组成部分。与政治版图一样,中亚市场纳入全俄市场并非一蹴而就,诸多因素促使中亚地区与全俄市场合二为一。首先,中亚各汗国纳入俄国版图是中亚市场并入全俄市场的前提条件;其次,环里海经济区形成是外因,石油工业作用最为显著;再次,中亚本地工农业发展是内因,亦是该地区经济地位提高的先决条件;第四,中亚铁路建设是重要推力,铁路提升了货物运输组织效率,缩短了中亚市场与内地市场的空间距离,加速了中亚纳入俄国市场的进程。俄国兼并中亚各汗国后全俄市场范围、容量和规模逐步扩大,两地间商品流通速度加快,中亚工商业得到发展,中亚地区成为俄国重要的原料产地和商品销售市场。 In the second half of the 19th century,Russia had completely annexed the Central Asian Khanates for decades. The political,economic,and military ties between Central Asia and Russia had become increasingly close,and the Central Asian market had gradually become an organic part of the all-Russian market. Like the political map,the incorporation of the Central Asian market into the all-Russian market was not accomplished overnight.Many factors urged the Central Asian region to merge with the all-Russian market. Firstly,the inclusion of the Central Asian Khanates in the Russian territory was a prerequisite for the Central Asian market to be incorporated into the all-Russian market. Secondly,the formation of the Caspian Sea Economic Zone was an external cause,and the role of the petroleum industry was the most significant. Thirdly,the local industrial and agricultural development in Central Asia was an internal cause and it was also a prerequisite for the improvement of the economic status of the region. Fourthly,the construction of the Central Asian Railway was an important thrust. The railway had improved the efficiency of cargo transportation organizations,shortened the spatial distance between the Central Asian market and the mainland market,and accelerated the process of incorporation of Central Asia into the Russian market.After Russia annexed Central Asian Khanates,the scope,capacity and scale of the entire Russian market,the speed of commodity circulation and Central Asia’s industry and commerce made Central Asia become an important raw material production place and commodity sales market in Russia.
作者 邓沛勇 DENG Peiyong
出处 《西伯利亚研究》 2020年第2期26-37,119,共13页 Siberian Studies
基金 贵州省哲学社会科学规划课题(19GZYB92)。
关键词 中亚 俄国 环里海经济区 突厥斯坦 Central Asia Russia Caspian Sea Economic Zone Turkestan
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