

Hypernetworks Research on Competitiveness of Genre Film
摘要 中国作为全球第二大电影市场,电影产业链逐渐完善,各种类型电影制作经验也日益丰富。为了用更科学的方法分析我国电影行业发展现状,以统计的435个电影名称为节点、电影所属类型为超边,建立电影超网络,并分析超网络的拓扑性质,将各个年份的拓扑性质进行对比,得出电影之间竞争情况以及各类型电影分布情况。该方法不仅能够更科学地分析电影市场发展现状与竞争情况,也可以用于其它领域竞争力的研究。 As the second largest film market in the world,China has gradually improved its film industry chain and has increasingly rich experience in various types of film production.In order to analyze the current situation of the development of China’s film industry with a more scientific method,this paper takes 435 movie titles as nodes and the types of movies as hyperedges,establishes a movie hypernetwork and analyses the topological characteristics of the hypernetwork,compares the topological characteristics of each year.The competition among films and the distribution of different types of films are obtained.This method not only analyses the development status and competition situation of the film market more scientifically,but can also be well applied to the competitiveness research in other fields.
作者 宋瑶瑜 郭进利 李勤敏 SONG Yao-yu;GUO Jin-li;LI Qin-min(Business School,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
出处 《软件导刊》 2020年第7期166-170,共5页 Software Guide
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71571119,71801139)。
关键词 类型电影 超网络 竞争力 genre film hypernetworks competitiveness
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