

Research on Distribution Network Partitioning Based on Micronetwork Participation
摘要 随着微网的不断接入,其出力的随机性与间歇性给配电网的电压控制带来了挑战。提出了无功-电压灵敏度的概念,并形成了考虑微网无功出力对配电网节点电压影响的微网无功控制空间矩阵,根据得到的微网无功控制空间矩阵利用层次聚类分析的方法对配电网进行分区,并以IEEE33节点系统为例,基于MATLAB Simulink软件对微电网并网下的无功控制能力进行仿真,重点讨论负荷突增和突减两种情况下微网对其所在区域内的节点电压调整过程,验证了无功控制分区的合理性。 With the continuous access of the microgrid,the randomness and intermittence of its output have brought challenges to the voltage control of the distribution network.The concept of reactive power-voltage sensitivity is proposed,and a reactive power control space matrix of microgrid is considered considering the effect of microgrid reactive power output on node voltage of distribution network.According to the obtained micro-grid reactive power control space matrix,the hierarchical clustering analysis method is used to partition the distribution network.Finally,taking IEEE 33 Node System as an example,based on MATLAB Simulink simulates the reactive power control capability under microgrid interconnection.It focuses on the analysis of the voltage adjustment process of the nodes in the microgrid,under the condition of sudden load increase and sudden load decrease,and verifies the rationality of the reactive power control partition.
作者 余磊 陈庚 周卓 YU Lei;CHEN Geng;ZHOU Zhuo(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China;College of Electrical and Power Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;Light Industry College of Liaoning University,Shenyang 110036,China)
出处 《电工电气》 2020年第7期9-12,33,共5页 Electrotechnics Electric
关键词 微网 无功控制空间矩阵 层次聚类 配电网 microgrid reactive control space matrix hierarchical clustering distribution network
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