2Philippe deMontebello and Martin Gayford, Rendez-vous with Art, London: Thames & Hudson, 2014.
3Cf. Charles W. Haxthausen, The Two Art Histories: The Museum and the University, Williamstown: Clark ArtInstitute, 2002.
4C. W. Stanley Jr. Taft and James W. Mayer, The Science of Paintings, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer,2000,p. 27, p. 38, pp. 97-98, p. 80.
5C. Valeriano Bozal, Goya: Black Painting, Madrid: Fundacion Amigos del Museo del Prado,1999〉.
6Cf. Neil MacGregor, UA Pentecost in Trafalgar Square' in James Cuno (ed.), Whose Muse. Art Museums andthe Public Trust, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004, p. 33, p. 33, p. 32.
7Cf. Louise Govier, The National Gallery Visitor* s Guide: With 10 Self-Guided Tours, London: National GalleryCompany Ltd., 2009, p. 48.
8Cf. Denis Diderot, Selected Writings on Art and Literature, trans. Geoffirey Bremner, London and New York:Penguin Books, 1994,pp. 236-239.
9Cf. Hubert Wellington, The Journal of Eugene Delacroix, New York: Phaidon, 1980, p. xi.