
构筑咸阳市电子信息产业新高地的对策研究 被引量:1

The Countermeasure Research of Constructing the New Highland of Electronic Information Industry in Xianyang City
摘要 电子信息产业是咸阳市七大支柱产业之一,以彩虹集团为龙头的CRT显示产业曾一度占到陕西省电子信息产业70%的份额,也使咸阳市拥有了"电子城"的美誉。然而,截至2017年底咸阳市电子信息产业仅占当年工业总产值的3%左右,位于7大支柱产业末位,低于全国平均水平。市委市政府在关键节点上克服各种艰难险阻,紧抓国家电子信息产业发展的新机遇,随着2017年12月25日CEC8.6代液晶面板项目在咸阳市高新区点火投产,以液晶显示为方向,引领咸阳市电子信息产业转型升级的趋势已形成。新时代如何做大做强电子信息产业,进一步分析研判咸阳市电子信息产业的新形势、新走向,加速打造电子信息千亿产业集群具有现实性、必要性。 Electronic information industry is one of the seven pillar industries in Xianyang city.The CRT display industry led by rainbow group once accounted for 70%of the electronic information industry in shaanxi province,which also makes Xianyang city have the reputation of"electronic city".However,by the end of 2017,the electronic information industry in Xianyang city accounted for only about 3%of the total industrial output value that year,ranking at the bottom of the seven pillar industries,lower than the national average.The municipal party committee and the municipal government have overcome various difficulties and obstacles at the key points to seize the new opportunities for the development of the national electronic information industry.On December 25,2017,CEC8.6 generation LCD panel project was put into operation in xianyang high-tech zone.With the LCD display as the direction,the trend of leading the transformation and upgrading of the electronic information industry in xianyang city has been formed.How to make the electronic information industry bigger and stronger in the new era,and how to further analyze the new situation and new trend of the electronic information industry in xianyang city,so as to accelerate the building of an electronic information industry cluster with a total of 100 billion yuan is practical and necessary.
作者 冯雪 马文杰 Feng xue;Ma Wenjie(Xianyang Municipal Party School,Xianyang 712000;Xianyang Decision Advisory Committee,Xianyang 712000)
出处 《中阿科技论坛(中英文)》 2020年第5期151-153,共3页 China-Arab States Science and Technology Forum
关键词 电子信息产业 显示产业 产业链 Electronic information industry Display industry Industrial chain
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