
LC-MS/MS法同时测定血浆中布南色林和N-去乙基布南色林浓度的不确定度评价 被引量:3

Evaluations of the Measurement Uncertainty for the Simultaneous Determination of Blonanserin and N-desethyl Blonanserin in Plasma Using LC-MS/MS
摘要 目的对LC-MS/MS同时测定血浆中布南色林以及N-去乙基布南色林浓度的不确定度进行评价和分析。方法采用A类评定对重复测量引入的不确定度进行评价,采用B类评定评价对标准品称量、标准溶液制备、血浆标准样本制备、液液萃取法提取血浆样本、液质联用仪测定以及标准曲线拟合过程中引入的不确定度进行评价,综合A类评定和B类评定结果,计算LC-MS/MS法同时测定血浆中布南色林以及N-去乙基布南色林浓度的合成和扩展不确定度。结果当置信概率为95%时,血浆中低(20 ng·L^-1)、中(400 ng·L^-1)、高(3000 ng·L^-1)浓度布南色林的扩展不确定度分别为1.301,19.646,181.682 ng·L^-1,血浆中低(20 ng·L^-1)、中(100 ng·L^-1)、高(500 ng·L^-1)浓度N-去乙基布南色林的扩展不确定度分别为4.436,19.925,121.231 ng·L^-1。结论LC-MS/MS测定血浆布南色林以及N-去乙基布南色林浓度时,优化提取过程、提高定量下限和选择合适的线性回归权重因子,是提高浓度测量结果准确性的有效方法。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate the measurement uncertainty for the determination of blonanserin and N-desethyl blonanserin in human plasma using LC-MS/MS.METHODS The uncertainty that caused by repeat measurement was evaluated as type A uncertainty,while those caused by the weighing of standard substances,preparations of stock solutions and calibrators,plasma sample extraction using liquid-liquid extraction,LC-MS/MS determination and calibration curve regression were analyzed as type B uncertainty.The expanded and combined uncertainties were then combined and calculated.RESULTS The expanded uncertainties for blonanserin at low(20 ng·L^-1),middle(400 ng·L^-1)and high(3000 ng·L^-1)concentrations were 1.301,19.646,181.682 ng·L-1,respectively(P=95%).The expanded uncertainties for N-desethyl blonanserin at low(20 ng·L-1),middle(100 ng·L^-1)and high(500 ng·L^-1)concentrations were 4.436,19.925,121.231 ng·L^-1,respectively(P=95%).CONCLUSION The measurement uncertainty for the simultaneous determination of blonanserin and N-desethyl blonanserin could be reduced by optimizating extraction procedure,increasing lower limit of quantification and weighting factor selection.
作者 王占璋 卢浩扬 倪晓佳 张明 胡晋卿 邓书华 朱秀清 谭亚倩 李璐 谢焕山 陈宏镇 尚德为 温预关 WANG Zhanzhang;LU Haoyang;NI Xiaojia;ZHANG Ming;HU Jinqing;DENG Shuhua;ZHU Xiuqing;TAN Yaqian;LI Lu;XIE Huanshan;CHEN Hongzhen;SHANG Dewei;WEN Yuguan(The Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University(Guangzhou Huiai Hospital),Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center for Translational Medicine of Mental Disorders,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510370,China)
出处 《今日药学》 CAS 2020年第6期394-398,403,共6页 Pharmacy Today
基金 广州市卫生健康科技项目(20191A011043,20181A010039) 荔湾区科技计划项目(201804017) 广州市精神疾病临床转化实验室(201805010009) 广州市医学重点学科(2017-2019) 广东省省级科技计划项目(2019B030316001)。
关键词 布南色林 N-去乙基布南色林 LC-MS/MS 测量不确定度 blonanserin N-desethyl bloanserin LC-MS/MS measurement uncertainty
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