
药物基因组学的临床部署策略及流程 被引量:1

Clinical Deployment Strategies and Processes for Pharmacogenomics
摘要 随着测序技术的飞速发展,临床上积累了大量个体化用药案例,相应的循证医学数据日益丰富,促进了药物基因组学的快速发展,然而只有在临床上进行规范合理的部署,才能发挥其价值。药物基因组学的临床部署目前主要有被动执行和预先执行两种策略,具体流程实施涉及电子病历整合、基因-药物对的选择、药物经济学评价、教育培训等多个方面。本文主要对药物基因组学的临床部署策略及实施流程进行综述,并对其面临的挑战进行讨论,以期为我国药物基因组学的临床部署提供指导。 With the rapid development of sequencing technology, a large number of clinical cases with personalized medicine have been accumulated. Abundant evidence-based medical data have promoted the rapid development of pharmacogenomics. However, it could play an important role only if it would be deployed in clinical practice. There are two strategies for the clinical deployment of pharmacogenomics: reactive strategy and preemptive strategy. Different deployment strategies require different deployment processes. The specific implementation process involves the integration of EMR, selection of gene-drug pairs, cost-effectiveness, education and training, etc. This paper reviewed the strategies and implementation workflow of pharmacogenomics clinical deployment, and discussed the challenges so as to provide guidance for the clinicaldeployment of pharmacogenomics in China.
作者 王飞 武志慧 闵浩巍 余乐 姜召芸 朱翀 弓孟春 史文钊 朱卫国 向炎珍 WANG Fei;WU Zhi-hui;MIN Hao-wei;YU Le;JIANG Zhao-yun;ZHU Chong;GONG Meng-chun;SHI Wen-zhao;ZHU Wei-guo;XIANG Yan-zhen(Digital China Health Technologies Corporation Limited,Bejing 100080,China;Department of Information Center;Department of Primary Care and Family Medicine;Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinesse Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Bejjing 100730,China)
出处 《协和医学杂志》 CSCD 2020年第4期443-448,共6页 Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
基金 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程(2016-I2M-2-004) 中国医学科学院罕见病研究中心资助项目(2016ZX310174-4)。
关键词 药物基因组学 临床部署 策略 实施流程 pharmacogenomics clinical deployment strategies implementation workflow
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