
论道德的自我性 被引量:4

The Relationship between Self and Morality
摘要 自我与道德的关系问题是道德学的基础性问题。自我尽管在概念上存在多义性,但其本质是社会性的,在此前提下可以分为心理自我、道德自我与伦理自我三个层面;道德的自我形成从纵向角度实际是道德人格的形成,从要素角度取决于自由意志与道德能力;自我并不能理解为一种“至上”性存在,起码在道德上存在边界,这就是自由而不自弃、自爱而不自恋、自尊而不自负;道德自我并不是封闭的,而是有向伦理过渡的可能和通道,因为自我的关系性、情境性和反思性,必定会由于特定的角色与场合,使道德的自我成为社会伦理共同体制的承载,由道德“应当”走向伦理“可能”。 The relationship between self and morality is the basic issue concerning morality.Though ambiguous,self is essentially a social concept.Under this premise,the construct of self can be divided into three levels:psychological self,moral self,and ethical self.The formation of moral self is actually the development of moral personality from a vertical or historical perspective.In terms of the components,the formation of moral self depends on free will and moral ability.Moreover,the notion of self cannot be understood as a“superior”existence,for at least there is a moral boundary defined by the following principles:one can pursue his freedom but should not escape his responsibilities;can value his personal honor but should not be selfish;and can keep his self-esteem but should not be egoistically self-centered.The moral self is not closed;there is a possibility and channel for it to develop into ethics,because the relatedness,situatedness and reflexivity of self is sure to turn the moral self into the bearer of the system of common social ethics according to the specific roles played by individuals in different situations.In this sense,the moral“should”becomes the ethical“can”.
作者 李建华 LI Jianhua(Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004;Central South University)
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期5-17,共13页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家哲学社会科学重大招标项目“中国政治伦理思想通史”(016ZDA103)阶段性成果。
关键词 自我 心理自我 道德自我 伦理自我 self psychological self moral self ethical self
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