
东印度洋水体输运的季节变化及相关盐度变化 被引量:1

Seasonal variations of mass transport and its related salinity changes in the Eastern Indian Ocean
摘要 利用20年(1992-2012年)的ECCO2模式模拟数据,主要研究了东印度洋(EIO)水体输运的季节变化.在EIO选取3个断面,分别为赤道、80°E和6°N.研究结果表明,跨赤道和80°E的季节输运主体部分大致相补偿.跨赤道的大部分水体输运局限在上层100 m,80°E的水体输运具有复杂结构,与显著的季风流、Wyrtki Jets(WJs)、赤道潜流(EUC)等有关.6°N上层水体净输运较小,但存在较强的边界流和相对较弱的内区流.纬向流的显著变化发生在80°E.在季风盛行季节,由于WJs减弱,赤道附近的水体输运以西向的梯度流为主,上层100 m的其余区域则主要受季风流控制.同样,由于EUC减弱,西向的梯度流与次表层东向的EUC之间也存在转换.在季风转换季节,季风流减弱,WJs与EUC分别在上层100 m和次表层占主导地位.此外,本研究还讨论了与季风流、WJs和EUC相关的盐水和暖水交换,有助于了解研究区域内温度和盐度的水平和垂直结构. The study mainly focuses on the seasonal variation of mass transport in the Eastern Indian Ocean(EIO) using ECCO2 model simulation data covering 20 yr period of 1992-2012.Three sections are selected at the equator,80°E,and 6°N in the EIO.The study reveals that the major seasonal transport across the equator and 80°E are roughly compensated.Most of the mass transport across the equator is confined to the upper 100 m,whereas that across 80°E it has complex structure associated with prominent monsoon currents,WJs,EUC and so on.Although the net upper mass transport across 6°N is small,there are strong boundary current and relatively weak interior currents.Significant changes of zonal current occur at 80°E.During the prevailing monsoon season,mass transport near the equator is dominated by westward gradient current due to WJs relaxation,while monsoon current dominates the rest region in the upper 100 m.Similarly,there is transition between westward gradient current due to EUC relaxation and eastward EUC for subsurface layer.During transition seasons,monsoon currents weaken.Instead,WJs and EUC dominate in upper 100 m and subsurface layer,respectively.Besides,the saline and warm water exchanges are discussed associated with monsoon currents,WJs,and EUC,which is helpful to understand both horizontal and vertical structures of temperature and salinity in the study domain.
作者 L.A.A.N.Wickramasinghe 王卫强 刘雨 M.K.Abeyratne W.C.Hemamali K.B.S.S.J.Ekanayake L.A.A.N.Wickramasinghe;WANG Weiqiang;LIU Yu;M.K.Abeyratne;W.C.Hemamali;K.B.S.S.J.Ekanayake(State key laboratory of tropical oceanography,south china sea institute of oceanology,chinese academy of sciences,guangzhou 510301;University of chinese academy of sciences,beijing 100049;Southern marine science and engineering guangdong laboratory(guangzhou),guangzhou 511458;Innovation academy of south china sea ecology and environmental engineering,chinese academy of sciences,guangzhou 510301;Faculty of sciences,university of ruhuna,matara 81000,sri lanka)
出处 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2020年第4期472-482,共11页 Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA20060503) 国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFC1401401) 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)人才团队引进重大专项(GML2019ZD0306) 中国科学院重点部署项目(ZDRW-XH-2019-2) 国家自然科学基金(91958202,41731173,41521005,41676013) 中国科学院南海生态环境工程创新研究院自主部署项目(ISEE2018PY06) 中国科学院中国-斯里兰卡联合科教中心建设项目。
关键词 东印度洋 水体输运 盐度分布 the Eastern Indian Ocean mass transport salinity distribution
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