

The Structural Expression of Film and Television Director
摘要 新媒体时代,随着互联网技术的高速发展和广泛应用,以数字技术为基础、以网络应用为载体的新兴媒体在信息传播中的优势日益突显。同时数字媒体作为一种新兴产业化形式的出现,使得多种学科得以交叉融合从而促进了文化的蓬勃发展。随着人们生活水平的提高,传统的服务不能满足人们对美的追求,人们更加强调了立体化、多样化、专业化、个性化的需求。再者5G技术的出现和商业化使用,网络速度进一步提升及物联网的不断完善,以影视编导为主导提升人与人、人与物、物与物之间的互联互通的视频艺术和商业价值的共生被提到一个新的高度。影视编导为增强自身竞争力通过在节目内容的选定、故事题材的策划、影视编导的技术等方面不断的创新。尝试探索影视编导的结构表述,提出剧本结构、视听语言是影响影视编导的主要因素。 In the new media era,with the rapid development and wide application of Internet technology,the advantages of emerging media based on digital technology and network applications as carriers have become increasingly prominent in information dissemination.At the same time,the emergence of digital media as a new form of industrialization has enabled multiple disciplines to cross-integrate and promote the vigorous development of culture.As people’s living standards improve,traditional services can’t meet people’s pursuit of beauty,and the demand for stereoscopic,diversification,specialization and individualization has been emphasized.In addition,with the emergence and commercial use of 5G technology,the further improvement of network speed and the continuous improvement of Internet of things,the co-existence of video art and commercial value,led by film and television director,to improve the interconnection among people,people and things,and things and things,has been raised to a new height.In order to enhance its own competitiveness,film and television directors continue to innovate in the selection of program content,the planning of story topics,and the technology of film and television directors.The structural expression of film and television directors is attempted to explore,and it’s proposed that script structure and audio-visual language are the main factors affecting film and television directors.
作者 严波 YAN Bo(College Of Applied Art And Design,Shanghai Polytechnic University,Shanghai 201209,China)
出处 《上海第二工业大学学报》 2020年第2期165-171,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University
关键词 影视编导 结构 蒙太奇 视听语言 film and television director construction montage audio-visual language








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