
吉林省柳河县野猪沟铁矿地质特征及成矿模式探讨 被引量:1

Greological features and metallogenic model of Yezhugou iron mine in Liuhe County,Jilin Province
摘要 野猪沟铁矿产于吉南龙岗复式背斜核部太古宙地体出露区,成矿期为新太古代,其含矿地质体为太古宙表壳岩,呈大小不等的残留体赋存于变质深成侵入体之中。区域上矿床受北东向断裂控制,矿体产于斜长角闪岩、斜长角闪变粒岩中,呈平行叠置产出,成群出现,形态较简单,产状较稳定。矿体空间展布特征与区域地层展布特征具有一致性。该矿床为变质硅铁建造铁矿,属稳定陆块区太古宙海相火山沉积变质铁矿,成矿后经历多期构造改变产生叠加褶皱,使矿体原有产状发生强烈改造,形成今天我们所看到的形态。 The Yezhugou iron mine is located in the Archean terrane outcropping area in the core of Longgang complex anticline in Southern Jilin Province. The metallogenic period is Neoarchean,and its ore-bearing geological body is the Archean supracrustal rocks,which occurs in metamorphosed plutonic intrusions as residual bodies of different sizes. The ore deposits are controlled by NE trending faults,and the ore bodies occur in amphibolite and plagioclase amphibolite,which are parallel superposed,occur in groups,simple shape and stable in occurrence. The spatial distribution characteristics of ore bodies are consistent with that of regional strata. The deposit is a metamorphic ferrosilicon iron formation iron deposit,which belongs to Archean marine volcanic sedimentary metamorphism iron deposit in the stable continental block area. After mineralization,it has undergone multi-stage structural changes to produce superimposed folds,which makes the original occurrence of the ore body undergo strong transformation and form the shape we see today.
作者 赵久悦 王泽明 曹健 李先先 ZHAO Jiu-yue;WANG Ze-ming;CAO Jian;LI Xian-xian(The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin Province,Tonghua 134000,Jilin,China;Bureau of Geologic Exploration and Mineral Development of Jilin Province,Changchun 130061,Jilin,China)
出处 《吉林地质》 2020年第2期56-60,共5页 Jilin Geology
关键词 柳河县 野猪沟铁矿 构造演化 成矿模式 Liuhe County Yezhugou iron mine structural evolution metallogenic model
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