
高绩效工作系统对员工绩效的影响——基于利益相关者视角的多层次研究 被引量:19

The Effect of High Performance Work System on Employee Job Performance:A Multilevel Study Based on Stakeholder Perspective
摘要 学者们已经认识到员工工作成果在人力资源管理系统与企业绩效之间的关键作用,以及员工感知是员工绩效的重要影响因素。然而,少有实证研究从利益相关者的多层次视角探究人力资源管理系统对员工绩效的影响。本研究探讨了组织规划性高绩效工作系统对员工工作绩效的影响,研究经理如何将从人力资源部获得的人力资源管理信息传递给员工进而影响员工绩效。基于三个层面的配对数据研究发现,组织规划性高绩效工作系统对经理实践性高绩效工作系统有积极影响,并且经理的人力资源管理能力、动机与参与机会在上述关系中表现出调节作用;经理实践性高绩效工作系统对员工感知性高绩效工作系统也有积极影响,并且经理沟通质量在其中表现出调节作用;经理实践性高绩效工作系统在组织规划性与员工感知性高绩效工作系统之间表现出完全中介作用;经理沟通质量调节了员工感知性高绩效工作系统对经理实践性高绩效工作系统与员工工作绩效关系的部分中介作用。 In the research field of strategic human resource management,scholars have acknowledged the mediating role of employee outcomes in the relationship between human resource management(HRM)systems and firm performance,and demonstrated the importance of employee perceptions of HRM systems on employee outcomes.However,very few empirical studies has focused on the multi-level relationships among HRM system and employee outcomes based on the perspective of stakeholder(e.g.,organizational,team and individual perspectives).The current study is designed to explore managers`role in translating HRM information from HR departments to employee perceptions of high performance work systems(HPWS),and then influences employees job performance.This study employs Structural Equation Modeling and Hierarchical Linear Modeling(HLM)in investigating the effects of HR designed HPWS(organizational level)on employees`job performance,then explores the moderating roles of managers`abilities,motivation,opportunities(AMO),and communication quality,and investigates the mediating roles of manager implemented HPWS(team level)and employee perceived HPWS(individual level).On the basis of a sample of 572 full-time employees,their 200 immediate supervisors and 45 HR managers from a telecom operator in China,we match employees’perceptions of HRM practices with those HRM practices which is implemented by managers and designed by HR.The results indicate that HR-designed HPWS is related to manager-implemented HPWS;and managers`AMO moderates the relationship between HR-designed HPWS(organizational level)and manager-implemented HPWS(team level);the results also indicate that manager-implemented HPWS is strongly related to employee perceived HPWS;and managers`communication quality moderates the relationship between manager-implemented HPWS(team level)and employee perceived HPWS(individual level);manager-implemented HPWS fully mediates the influence of HR-designed HPWS on employee perceived HPWS;furthermore,employee perceived HPWS partially mediates the inf luence of manager-implemented HPWS on employee job performance,and the moderating role of managers`communication quality on the relationship between manager-implemented HPWS and job performance is partially mediated by employee perceived HPWS.
作者 苗仁涛 辛迅 周文霞 曹毅 Miao Rentao;Xin Xun;Zhou Wenxia;Cao Yi(School of Labor Economics,Capital University of Economics and Business;Business School,Southwest University of Political Science and Law;School of Labor and Human Resources,Renmin University of China;School of Psychological and Cognitive Science,Peking University)
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期165-176,共12页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(16BGL099) 国家自然科学基金项目(71902166) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2018M643786XB)资助。
关键词 高绩效工作系统 工作绩效 AMO理论 经理沟通质量 High Performance Work System Job Performance AMO Theory Communication Quality
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