
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间手术室护士相关培训专家共识 被引量:4

Expert consensus on training for operating room nurses during COVID-19 epidemic
摘要 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)是一种新型呼吸道传染病,目前正在全国及境外部分国家蔓延。临床一线医务工作者对这一新型疾病的相关知识不够了解,因此需要应用有效的培训手段及完整的课程设置并根据现实状况制定切实可行的培训方案对各级人员开展培训。笔者联合北京市乃至全国战斗在抗疫一线的专家团队,制订此专家共识,以期在疫情防控期间为手术室相关培训的开展提供一个切实可行的方案,便于大家科学合理地进行课程设置,有序开展各项培训。 COVID-19 is a new type of respiratory infectious disease.Currently,the epidemic is spreading across China and in some countries outside China.However,healthcare workers on the clinical frontline is not fully aware of this new type of disease.Therefore,practical and feasible training programs shall be developed by combining effective training forms and complete curriculum based on the actual situation to train medical personnel at all levels.The authors work together with expert teams combating the epidemic in Beijing and even the whole country to formulate this expert consensus,with a view to providing a practical solution for the development of operating room-related training during epidemic prevention and control,so that scientific and reasonable curriculum settings can be made available and training can proceed orderly.
作者 孙育红 王菲 刘鹏 王薇 闫秋菊 穆莉 Sun Yuhong;Wang Fei;Liu Peng;Wang Wei;Yan Qiuju;Mu Li(Department of Surgical Anesthesia,China-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing 100029,China;Operating Room,Beijing Friendship Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100050,China;Department of Surgical Anesthesia,Beijing Hospital,National Geriatrics Center,Institute of Geriatrics,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730,China;Department of Anesthesia,Beijing Tongren Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100730,China;Department of Anesthesia,Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100026,China;Operation Room,Peking University First Hospital,Beijing 100034,China)
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2020年第18期2381-2385,共5页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 专家共识 培训内容 培训方式 课程设置 COVID-19 Expert consensus Training content Training form Curriculum setting
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