
基于国际比较的广东农业高质量发展思考 被引量:10

Thoughts on the agricultural high quality development of Guangdong based on international comparison
摘要 【目的】构建广东省农业高质量发展的国际比较评价指标体系,明确其优势和短板,为实现广东省农业高质量发展提供参考。【方法】以日本、韩国、法国、德国、意大利、英国、荷兰、美国、以色列和西班牙等国家为研究对象(简称十国),按照农业高质量发展的内涵,构建广东省农业高质量发展的国际比较评价指标体系,确定基于全球发达国家现状水平的广东省农业高质量发展水平实现程度,并据此提出对策建议。【结果】在农业结构优化度方面,广东省农业增加值占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例在2.00%左右,相当于世界发达国家水平;广东省种植业与畜牧业的总产值之比为2.40∶1,畜牧业产值占比总体上偏低,粮食作物所占比例约为十国平均水平(25.73%)的50%,且产业链延伸程度相对滞后。在土地产出率方面,广东省土地资源利用经济效率和效益已达较高水平,但单位耕地面积的蔬菜产值和水果产值相对偏低,约是十国平均水平的50%。在劳动生产率方面,广东省农业劳均耕地面积非常低,单位农业劳动力的农业增加值为3987美元/人,远低于十国平均水平(50494美元/人)。在资源利用率方面,广东省农业资源利用效益已与发达国家相当,但农药与化肥使用强度仍然较高,对农业生态环境负影响较显著。在农业设施装备度方面,广东省单位耕地面积的固定资产投资强度、劳均固定资产投资强度均低于发达国家水平。在农业资金投入方面,广东省的农林水事务支出远高于发达国家财政总支出中农业支出的比例,但农业财政投入占农业增加值的比例(20.3%)远低于日本、美国和德国等国家。总体上,广东省农业高质量发展实现程度仅为发达国家的43.9%,存在产业链条偏短、劳动生产率较低及设施装备程度弱等瓶颈问题。【建议】深入推进产业融合发展,提升产业效益质量;不断强化创新驱动发展,提升要素配置质量;全面壮大新型经营主体,提升农业主体质量,进而实现广东省农业高质量发展。 【Objective】This study constructed international comparative evaluation indexes system on the high quality development level of agriculture in Guangdong Province,and clarified the advantages and disadvantages,to provide reference for the realization of high quality development of agriculture in Guangdong.【Method】Based on analysis on the connotation of agricultural high quality development,the evaluation index system was constructed with ten countries as object,namely Japan,Korea,France,Germany,Italy,Britain,Netherlands,the United States,Israel and Spain(ten countries).The development status of Guangdong high quality agriculture based on the condition of developed countries was clarified,and the countermeasures and suggestions to speed up the development of high quality agriculture were put forward.【Result】In terms of the optimization degree of agricultural structure,the added value of agriculture in Guangdong Province accounted for about 2.00%of gross domestic product(GDP),which was equivalent to the level of developed countries.However,ratio of total output value of agricultural planting and animal husbandry was 2.40∶1,the output value of animal husbandry was generally low in the total,the proportion of food crops was 50%of the average proportion of the developed countries(25.73%),and the extension degree of industrial chain was lagging behind.In terms of land output rate,the economic efficiency and benefit of land resource utilization in Guangdong Province have reached a high level,but the output value of vegetables and fruits per unit land area was low,only about 50%of the average value of the ten countries.In terms of labor productivity,the average cultivated area of agricultural labor in Guangdong Province was very low,and the agricultural added value created by unit agricultural labor was 3987 dollar/person,much lower than the average level of 50494 dollar/person in the ten countries.In terms of resource utilization efficiency,the utilization efficiency of agricultural resources in Guangdong Province was equivalent to that in developed countries,but the use intensity of pesticides and fertilizers was still high,which had a significant negative impact on the agricultural ecological environment.In terms of agricultural facilities and equipment,the investment intensity of fixed assets per unit cultivated land area and the investment intensity of labor average fixed assets in Guangdong Province were lower than the level of developed countries.In terms of agricultural capital investment,agricultural,forestry and water affairs expenditure in Guangdong were much higher than the proportion of agricultural expenditure in the total financial expenditure of developed countries,but Guangdong’s agricultural financial investment accounted for 20.3%of the added value of agriculture,far lower than that in Japan,the united States and Germany.On the whole,the realization degree of agricultural high quality development in Guangdong Province was only 43.9%of that in developed countries,and there were major bottlenecks such as short industrial chain,low labor productivity and weak level of facilities and equipment.【Suggestion】Some suggestions are put forward to realize the high quality development of agriculture in Guangdong Province,including industrial convergence development,improving industrial benefit quality;strengthening innovation driven development and improving factor allocation quality;cultivating and expanding new business entities,enhancing agricultural entities quality.
作者 黄修杰 储霞玲 HUANG Xiu-jie;CHU Xia-ling(Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development,Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture in South China,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Guangzhou 510640,China)
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1502-1510,共9页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71803030) 广东省级乡村振兴战略专项(粤财农〔2018〕125号)。
关键词 农业高质量发展 评价指标体系 发达国家 实现程度 广东省 high quality development of agriculture evaluation index system developed country realization level Guangdong Province
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