
1961-2019年玉林浅层地温变化特征分析 被引量:4

Characteristics of shallow ground temperature change in Yulin from 1961 to 2019
摘要 利用1961-2019年玉林国家基本气象站0~20cm逐月平均地温资料,采用气候倾向率、M-K检验、相关性分析等方法,分析近60a来玉林浅层地温变化趋势,及其与气温、降水的关系。结果表明,玉林市0~20cm浅层年、春季、秋季、冬季平均地温均呈上升趋势,夏季呈平缓略下降趋势。年代际分析显示春、秋、冬三季对年均浅层地温有指示性作用。用M-K检验法判断年均浅层地温突变时间为1992年。冬、春季平均地温与同期平均气温的相关性明显,0cm地温与气温的相关性最大;各浅层年、季平均地温与同期降雨量均为负相关,其中秋季相关性最显著。 Based on the monthly average ground temperature data of 0-20cm at Yulin national basic meteorological station from 1961 to 2019,the climate tendency rate,M-K test and correlation analysis are used to analyze the trend of shallow ground temperature change in the past 60 years as well as its relationship with temperature and precipitation.The annual,spring,autumn and winter average ground temperature in Yulin all show an upward trend,while the summer shows a slight downward trend.Interdecadal analysis shows that spring,autumn and winter have an indicative effect on the average annual shallow ground temperature.According to M-K test,the mutation time of annual average shallow ground temperature is 1992.The correlation between the average ground temperature in winter and spring and the average temperature in the same period is obvious,and the correlation between 0 cm ground temperature and temperature is the highest;the average ground temperature in each shallow layer and season is negatively correlated with the rainfall in the same period,with autumn being the largest.
作者 陈明惠 陈思蓉 陆小林 张容菁 杨延志 Chen Minghui;Chen Sirong;Lu Xiaolin;Zhang Rongjing;Yang Yanzhi(Yulin Meteorological Bureau,Yulin Guangxi 537000;Guangxi Climate Centre,Nanning Guangxi 530022)
出处 《气象研究与应用》 2020年第2期31-34,共4页 Journal of Meteorological Research and Application
基金 广西壮族自治区气象局科研重点项目(桂气科2016Z04) 玉林市气象科研项目(玉气科[2019]02号)。
关键词 浅层地温 气候倾向率 年代际 Man-Kendall检验 相关性 shallow ground temperature climate tendency rate interdecadal Man-Kendall test correlation
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