
不同绿肥类型替代化肥对宜宾地区烤烟生长和品质的影响 被引量:8

Effects of Substituting Fertilizers with Different Types of Green Manure on Growth and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco in Yibin Area
摘要 【目的】本文探究了绿肥替代化肥对宜宾地区植烟田改善及烟叶生产的影响,以筛选出最适宜种植的绿肥品种。【方法】本试验采取小区试验,开展油菜、光叶紫花苕子和箭舌豌豆3种绿肥替代化肥对宜宾地区烤烟农艺性状和品质的影响。【结果】①用绿肥替代化肥能够促进烟株各生育时期的农艺性状,在团棵期株高、最大叶长和最大叶宽分别显著增加了14.04%~19.29%、5.79%~14.86%和3.72%~19.14%;旺长期株高和有效叶数显著增加了7.52%~23.67%和3.45%~5.91%,打顶期株高显著增加了2.15%~6.13%,其中T1(油菜绿肥)处理对烟株农艺性状的促进最显著;②用绿肥替代化肥能够促进烤烟产量产值的增加,以T1(油菜绿肥)处理最为显著,但翻压过量有可能造成贪青晚熟而导致落黄较晚现象,从而降低的经济效益。③不同绿肥类型替代化肥对烤烟中部烟叶化学成分的影响不同。T1(油菜绿肥)处理对中部叶的全氮和烟碱含量提升较为显著;T2(光叶紫花苕子)处理对中部叶还原糖、总糖和总氮的提升较为显著;T3(箭舌豌豆)处理对中部烟叶K含量有显著提升。【结论】整体上不同绿肥类型替代化肥都能合理的改善烟叶化学成分含量,提升协调性。 【Objective】This paper aimed to explore the effect of green manure tillage instead of chemical fertilizer on the improvement of tobacco planting and tobacco leaf production in Yibin area and selected the most suitable green manure varieties.【Method】In this experiment,a community experiment was carried out to study the effects of three kinds of green manure substitute fertilizers,such as rape,light purple scorpion and arrow pea,on the agronomic traits and quality of flue-cured tobacco in Yibin area.【Result】(i)The replacement of chemical fertilizer with green manure could promote the agronomic traits of tobacco plants at different growth stages,and the plant height,maximum leaf length and maximum leaf width increased significantly by 14.04%-19.29%,5.79%-14.86%and 3.72%-19.14%,respectively;The plant height and effective leaf number in the long-term growth period increased significantly by 7.52%-23.67%and 3.45%-5.91%,and the plant height in the topping stage increased significantly by 2.15%to 6.13%,of which T1(canola green manure)the treatment of agronomic traits of tobacco plants was most significant;(ii)The replacement of chemical fertilizers with green manure could promoted the increase of the output value of flue-cured tobacco.The treatment with T1(canola green manure)was the most significant,but the overpressure might cause the late fallacy caused by greed,and yellow was late,which reduced economic benefits.(iii)Different green manure types had different effects on the chemical constituents of flue-cured tobacco in the middle of flue-cured tobacco.T1(canola green manure)treatment significantly increased the total nitrogen and nicotine content in the middle leaves;T2(light-leaf alfalfa)treatment on the middle The reduction of leaf reducing sugar,total sugar and total nitrogen was more significant;T3(Arachis chinensis)treatment significantly increased the K content in the middle tobacco leaves.【Conclusion】The overall replacement of chemical fertilizers with different green manure types could enhance the chemical content of tobacco leaves and improve coordination.
作者 李尚军 邱诗蕊 王永达 杨家源 刘雅洁 曾淑华 LI Shang-jun;QIU Shi-rui;WANG Yong-da;YANG Jia-yuan;LIU Yan-jie;ZENG Shu-hua(College of Agronomy,Sichuan Agricultural University,Sichuan Chengdu 611130,China)
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1253-1257,共5页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 烤烟焦甜香韵特色的生态区域定位及配套施肥技术研究与应用(201751150020074)。
关键词 绿肥 农艺性状 烤烟化学成分 Green manure Agronomic traits Chemical constituents of flue-cured tobacco
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