

A Case of Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed and Treated by Professor WANG Xuehua
摘要 目的:通过回顾性病案纪述,一则晚期胰腺癌肝转移案例,经过西医化疗与中医药辨治,体现中西医结合,个体化综合治疗的途径和手段,说明病情可控,疗效可信。方法:如实记录案例的诊治过程,从整体出发,以中医经典理论为指导思想,结合中医辨病、辨证、辨体质的诊治思路,分析其病因病机,理法方药,总结经验。结果:本案例晚期胰腺癌患者,不仅改善了生活质量,而且使其生存时间延长至17个月。 Objective:Through retrospective medical records, a case of advanced pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis was treated by western chemotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).This reflected the integration of western and traditional Chinese medicine and the methods and means of individualized comprehensive treatment.It showed that the disease was controllable, and the curative effect was credible.Methods:The diagnosis and treatment process of the case were recorded truthfully.Classical traditional Chinese medicine theory was used as the guiding principle, combined with TCM disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation, and constitution differentiation, to analyze the etiology and pathogenesis of the case, to find appropriate formulas, and to summarize the experience.Results:In this case, patients with advanced pancreatic cancer not only improved their quality of life, but also extended their survival time to 17 months.
作者 王雪华 王华宇 张珅 尚学辉 WANG Xuehua;WANG Huayu;ZHANG Yao(Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Harbin Heilongjiang 150040,China)
出处 《四川中医》 2020年第6期85-87,共3页 Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 胰腺癌晚期 临床案例 中西医结合 中医药辨治 Advanced pancreatic cancer Clinical cases Combination of Chinese traditional and western medicine Differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine
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