

Experimental study on quantitative analysis of penis smooth muscle cell content by Shear Wave Elastography
摘要 目的探讨利用实时剪切波超声弹性成像(shear wave elastrography,SWE)技术定量评价阴茎组织平滑肌含量变化的可行性。方法20只健康雄性SD大鼠分成低年龄组和高年龄组(10只/组);选用法国SuperSonic Imagine公司生产的AixplorerR新声威超声诊断仪对大鼠阴茎进行SWE检查,测量指标为剪切波弹性量化测值(shear wave elastic quantitative measurement,SWQ);SWE检查完成后剪取阴茎组织进行免疫组化分析,测定阴茎组织的α-actin含量,测量指标为α-actin阳性区域百分比(positive area percentage,PAP),用PAP代表平滑肌的含量。比较两组的SWQ和PAP是否存在统计学差异。结果高年龄组大鼠阴茎组织PAP明显高于低年龄组(P<0.05),同时,高年龄组大鼠阴茎组织SWQ明显低于低年龄组(P<0.05)。结论利用SWE测量阴茎组织的SWQ可以定量评价阴茎组织平滑肌含量的变化,SWE有望成为一种定量评价阴茎组织平滑肌含量的无创新方法,值得进一步研究。 Objective To evaluate the feasibility of shear wave elastography(SWE)in quantitative analysis of smooth muscle cells content in penile tissues.Methods The 20 healthy male SD rats were divided into low age group and high age group(10/group).The ultrafast ultrasound device-AixplorerR(SuperSonicImagine,France)was used for SWE examination of penis,the measurement index was shear wave elastic quantitative measurement(SWQ).After ultrasound examination,the rat was sacrificed and the penis was collected for immunohistochemical staining.The expression ofα-actininpenile tissues was analyzed.The measurement index was the positive areapercentage ofα-actin(PAP),and PAP was used torepresent the content ofsmooth muscle cells.The SWQ and PAP were compared between the two groups.Results The PAP of penile tissue in high age group was significantly higher than that in low age group(P<0.05).The SWQ of penile tissue in rats of high age group was significantly lower than that of low age group(P<0.05).Conclusion The change of smooth muscle cell content in penile tissue could be quantitatively analyzed using the SWQ measured by SWE.The SWE is expected to be a new non-innovative method to evaluate the content of smooth muscle cells in penile tissue,which is worthy of further study.
作者 邢晋放 Xing Jin-fang(Department of Medical Ultrasound,Shanghai Pudong Hospital,Fudan University Pudong Medical Center,2800 Gongwei Road,Pudong,Shanghai 201399,China)
出处 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2020年第3期11-14,共4页 Chinese Journal of Andrology
基金 上海市浦东医院人才科研基金项目(项目编号:YJRCJJ201804)基金资助。
关键词 阴茎 平滑肌细胞 超声 剪切波弹性成像 Penis Smooth muscle cell Ultrasound Shear Ware Elastography
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