
基于系统动力学的创造性绩效演变机制模拟仿真 被引量:3

Simulation of Creative Performance Evolution Mechanism Based on System Dynamics
摘要 文章旨在运用系统动力学的方法,将以往对宏观经济、事件进行模拟仿真的系统动力学方法引入到微观领域,通过建模、仿真,探讨情感交流、信息交流在创造性绩效演变中的作用,改变相关参数,发现提高领导、同事的分享意愿、个体创新前期消极情感以及选拔外倾性、开放性高的个体到需要创新的岗位可以提高创造性绩效。 This paper is aimed to use the method of system dynamics to introduce the system dynamics method that used to simulate the macro economy and events into the micro field. Through modeling and simulation, the paper discusses the role of emotional communication and information exchange in the evolution of creative performance. By altering the relevant parameters,the paper finds that the improvement of leaders’ and colleagues’ willingness to share, the negative emotion in the early stage of individual innovation, and the selection of individuals with high extroversion and openness to the positions requiring creativity can improve creative performance.
作者 巩振兴 李淼淼 Gong Zhenxing;Li Miaomiao(Business School,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng Shandong 252000,China;College of Letters and Science,University of Wisconsin-Madison,WI 53706,America;School of Economics and Management,Beijing Information Science and Technology University,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期158-161,共4页 Statistics & Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71801120) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(18YJC630038)。
关键词 创造性绩效 系统动力学 仿真 creative performance systematic dynamics simulation
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