
钢架雪车运动员运动表现的影响因素及训练策略 被引量:5

Research on Sport Performance Influence Factors and Training Strategies of Skeleton Athletes
摘要 通过文献研究法、数理统计法等分析钢架雪车项目比赛总成绩与起动阶段成绩和滑行阶段成绩的相关性、影响钢架雪车运动员运动表现的因素及训练策略。研究结果:1)起动阶段和滑行阶段用时与比赛总用时具有显著正相关关系(P<0.01);2)近3届冬奥会的男子钢架雪车运动员和索契冬奥会女子钢架雪车运动员的起动阶段成绩对比赛成绩约有1.7~3.0倍的正向影响。近3届冬奥会钢架雪车运动员滑行阶段成绩对比赛成绩有0.9~1.3倍的正向影响;3)钢架雪车技术稳定性能够提高比赛总成绩。研究结论:1)起动阶段影响钢架雪车运动员运动表现的因素为推橇助跑和上橇效果,体能训练的策略为通过速度和下肢爆发力训练以加快助跑速度,技术训练策略为通过分解训练和模拟训练以提高上橇技术;2)滑行阶段影响钢架雪车运动员运动表现的因素为钢架雪车操控方案和钢架雪车滑行路线,技术训练策略为通过本体感觉训练和钢架雪车操控技术学习以提高对钢架雪车的操控技术,战术训练策略为通过规划和调整滑行路线以提升钢架雪车滑行效益。 This paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the correlation between the total score of the steel frame snowmobile event and the results of the starting stage and the sliding stage, the factors influencing the sports performance of the steel frame snowmobile athletes and the training strategies by using the research methods of literature review, mathematical statistics and so on. Results: 1) The starting and sliding stages are correlated with the competition time significantly(P<0.01);2) The starting stage of men’s skeleton athletes at the last three Winter Olympics and women’s skeleton athletes at Sochi Winter Olympics have a positive impact on the competition time of 1.7~3.0 times. The sliding time have a positive impact on the competition time of0.9~1.3 times in the last three Winter Olympics. Conclusions: 1) The influencing factors of sports performance in pushing are the effect of pushing-running and loading. The strategy of physical training is to improve the pushing-running speed through sprint and lower limb power training. The strategy of technique training is to improve the loading skill through decomposition and simulation training;2) The influencing factors of sports performance in sliding are the sledding control scheme and sliding route. The strategy of technique training is to improve the control skill through proprioception and intelligence training. The strategy of tactical training is to improve the sliding benefit through the planning and adjustment of the sliding route.
作者 郝磊 王润极 杨康 吴昊 HAO Lei;WANG Runji;YANG Kang;WU Hao(Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing 100191,China;Winter Sports Management Center,Hebei Sports Bureau,Shijiazhuang,Hebei076350,China)
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期355-360,共6页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
基金 科技部国家重点研发计划课题(2018YFF0300902) 国家体育总局运动能力评价与研究综合重点实验室项目 北京市运动机能评定与技术分析重点实验室项目。
关键词 钢架雪车 起动阶段 滑行阶段 冬季运动项目 运动表现 skeleton start stage sliding stage winter sports sports performance
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