4CLAUDIA LUX. Leading the library of the future challenges and opportunities [EB/OL]. [2011-] 09-12 http : / / conference, ifla. org / ifla 77 / programme- and proceedings day/2011 -08-16.
5PETER GENOVESE and PATRICIA ALBANESE. Sustainable libraries, sustainable services: a global view [EB/OL].[2011-09-12]. http: //conference. ifla. org/ sites/ default/ files/ files/ papers/ ifla7 7 /196-genovese-en.pdf.
6Jaana Tyrni. It takes courage to make mistakes - how to get the staff involved in making the future library [EB/OL][2011-09-12] . http: //conference ifla. org/ sites/ defauh/ files/ files/ papers/ ifla7 7 /123-tyrni-en. pdf.
7MAIJA BERNDTSON. " What and why libraries?"looking at what libraries might look like and why we still need them now and into the future [EB/OL] . [2011-09 -15]. http://conference, ifla. org/sites/default/ files/files/papers/ilia77/123-berndtson-en, pdf.
8TEEMU RAUHALA. The essence of modern LIS professionals [EB/OL].[2011-09-15], http: //confer enee. ifla. org/sites/default/files/files/papers/ifla77/97- rauhala en. pdf.
9PUSSADEE NONTHACUMJANE. Key skills and competencies of a new generation of LIS professionals[EB/ OL] . [2011-09-15]. http: //conference. ifla org/sites/default/files/files/papers/ilia7 7/9 7-nonthacumjane en. pdf.
10PENNY CARNABY. Connecting the knowledge networks: reimagining academic libraries to 2020 [EB/OL].[2011-09-15] . http: //conference. ifla. org/sites/defauh/ files/files/papers/ifla77/122 camaby-en, pdf.